Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
TNA PPV Results
Originally posted on my main blog on Sept 11-2011
I used screen capture for this post
Holy Anne Rice Novels Batman!!! I was able to see a ppv!! Damn it Janet!
So this was TNA-Impact 's No Surrender and let me say that I was disappointed by the fact there was only 2 X-Division matches, and the Tag Team match left much to be desired.
#1- X Division match for the #1 Contender between Kid Kash and Jesse Sorensen. Sorensen got the win, having only mildly shown in this match what he can do. Frankly, we've seen better from him on episodes of Impact in the last few weeks.
#2- BFG match. James Storm vs Bully Ray. The fact was Mr. Storm had to win by a submission for it to matter. Bully Ray got the win on this one by a DQ. Good length on this match with excellent submissions repeatedly from Mr. Storm. There is some underlining possible feud-storyline here.
#3- Knockouts title match. Winter vs Mickie James. Winter used the bloodbath to get the win. You know, I have my options on the whole women's division, but I actually found myself nodding in approval when I saw Winter becoming the new women's champ. I've always said Winter is the Season of the Vampire, I guess TNA would agree with me on that.
#4- Tag Team match for the titles. Pope/Devon vs Mexican America. MA got the win and kept their titles. I was so let down by this tag match, not too mention it was the only tag match of the ppv. There was no heat to it, and it just seemed to be filer. P.S. Pope, I'm still waiting for someone in the X-Division to steal me your trenchcoat.
#5- Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan the evil druid. This was a straight up grudge match. I was sad to see that Morgan did not come out in his druid robe, I very much miss that fashion statement. Morgan got the win on this one putting a cap on the crazy Joe angle.
#6- BFG Match - Winner must get a submission to win. Gunner vs Robert Roode. Roode got the win by way of a tap out. I would say this was the longest match of the night, and it lived up to it's expectations. Very impressed, and hope to see a future feud between these two.
#7- X Division title match. Brian
Kendrick vs Austin Aries. Mr. Aries won becoming the new champ. He
showed some extremely impressive moves in this, and proved why he held
the title so long in the last company he was in. I have to admit, this
single match was the whole reason I ordered the ppv tonight and I was
slightly torn as to who I wanted to see get the win. But I do have a
bit of a drool on for Aries {as does it would seem many of the females
in my family}
#8- BFG #1 contenders match. Bully Ray vs Robert Roode. this was a scorching match that saw Roode come out on top, winning the #1 contenders spot. He will be main eventing the next ppv and here's hoping he wins that too.
#9- Main Event - 3 way for the TNA title. Sting vs Angle vs Anderson. Angle managed to slither his way to a win keeping the title. Mostly because Hogan got in the mix with a spraycan of some sort and got Sting in the face.
All in all, it was a decent ppv. The length of the matches were longer then I was expecting but not as long as I would hope for.
And I was thinking there would be one more X-Division match or one more Tag Team match but sadly there was not.
I used screen capture for this post
Holy Anne Rice Novels Batman!!! I was able to see a ppv!! Damn it Janet!
So this was TNA-Impact 's No Surrender and let me say that I was disappointed by the fact there was only 2 X-Division matches, and the Tag Team match left much to be desired.
#1- X Division match for the #1 Contender between Kid Kash and Jesse Sorensen. Sorensen got the win, having only mildly shown in this match what he can do. Frankly, we've seen better from him on episodes of Impact in the last few weeks.
#2- BFG match. James Storm vs Bully Ray. The fact was Mr. Storm had to win by a submission for it to matter. Bully Ray got the win on this one by a DQ. Good length on this match with excellent submissions repeatedly from Mr. Storm. There is some underlining possible feud-storyline here.
#3- Knockouts title match. Winter vs Mickie James. Winter used the bloodbath to get the win. You know, I have my options on the whole women's division, but I actually found myself nodding in approval when I saw Winter becoming the new women's champ. I've always said Winter is the Season of the Vampire, I guess TNA would agree with me on that.
#4- Tag Team match for the titles. Pope/Devon vs Mexican America. MA got the win and kept their titles. I was so let down by this tag match, not too mention it was the only tag match of the ppv. There was no heat to it, and it just seemed to be filer. P.S. Pope, I'm still waiting for someone in the X-Division to steal me your trenchcoat.
#5- Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan the evil druid. This was a straight up grudge match. I was sad to see that Morgan did not come out in his druid robe, I very much miss that fashion statement. Morgan got the win on this one putting a cap on the crazy Joe angle.
#6- BFG Match - Winner must get a submission to win. Gunner vs Robert Roode. Roode got the win by way of a tap out. I would say this was the longest match of the night, and it lived up to it's expectations. Very impressed, and hope to see a future feud between these two.
#8- BFG #1 contenders match. Bully Ray vs Robert Roode. this was a scorching match that saw Roode come out on top, winning the #1 contenders spot. He will be main eventing the next ppv and here's hoping he wins that too.
#9- Main Event - 3 way for the TNA title. Sting vs Angle vs Anderson. Angle managed to slither his way to a win keeping the title. Mostly because Hogan got in the mix with a spraycan of some sort and got Sting in the face.
All in all, it was a decent ppv. The length of the matches were longer then I was expecting but not as long as I would hope for.
And I was thinking there would be one more X-Division match or one more Tag Team match but sadly there was not.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Week of Aug 21st 2011
I used screen capture for this post
I had actually made a quick little minute and a half video for this post, but having upload issues so back to basics it is.
You're wrestling minute.... WWE, finally a good choice with Del Rio as champ. I like this, he has star-quality.
But the Nash thing I saw that last month over on TNA in the women's division when ODB came in. That's just too soon for the two major companies to be doing the same story.
Speaking of TNA-Impact... as I asked on my main blog few days ago in my "asking wrestlers {more} stupid questions" Eric Young please loose the beard. It looks like you have a dead cat on your face.
I had actually made a quick little minute and a half video for this post, but having upload issues so back to basics it is.
You're wrestling minute.... WWE, finally a good choice with Del Rio as champ. I like this, he has star-quality.
But the Nash thing I saw that last month over on TNA in the women's division when ODB came in. That's just too soon for the two major companies to be doing the same story.
Speaking of TNA-Impact... as I asked on my main blog few days ago in my "asking wrestlers {more} stupid questions" Eric Young please loose the beard. It looks like you have a dead cat on your face.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Okay Canada, let's talk wrestling
I'm sitting here right now watching for the first time ever, Aftermath on the Score.
I've never watched this before, but it was on the DVR as I over set the schedule.
They started off with a joke, riffing on Orton being told to write out 100 times he will not RKO DeBiasi. PPPSSST... hosters there, he was also told to stand in the corner on one foot for ten minutes, so go at it.
As far as the whole issue Cole has with Daniel Bryan, um... I do believe that it has to do with how last summer Cole got choked out by his tie and a cable at the hands of Bryan. So Cole is not just being ... Cole.
Jumping to the Tyson Kidd comments... hosters -first time watching didn't really pay attention to your names- I must agree Kidd makes so many of the other guys look good because; wait for it, he actually knows what the freal he's doing! So rare at times to find a wrestler who can wrestle and not just look pretty on camera.
Your comments on Mark Henry being the top contender... bogus. Sheamus should have had it.
Your comments about Rhodes and the belt... interesting to say you'd like to see him against a healthy Kane. I would have to say that I think getting back to the Kidd topic, Tyson Kidd should be the next in line for that belt. Rhodes vs Kidd would be a wicked feud.
Is it a belt or a hot potato
So the WWE has once again shuffled the champs around like chess pieces by someone with ADD.
Mysterio had it then Cena then Punk then Del Rio, meanwhile on the other side of the ring, that belt got passed from Christian to Orton to Christian to Orton... I'm dizzy give me a minute.
Here's a thought, leave the belt on Del Rio for say... 5 months. Let him carry the heavy for awhile, he's strong can can do it.
The other side of the ring, seriously Orton has had some beauty of runs but it's time to let someone else have a turn for about 5 months. Cause from my seat on the floor here, that whole back and forth thing so not cool.
Mysterio had it then Cena then Punk then Del Rio, meanwhile on the other side of the ring, that belt got passed from Christian to Orton to Christian to Orton... I'm dizzy give me a minute.
Here's a thought, leave the belt on Del Rio for say... 5 months. Let him carry the heavy for awhile, he's strong can can do it.
The other side of the ring, seriously Orton has had some beauty of runs but it's time to let someone else have a turn for about 5 months. Cause from my seat on the floor here, that whole back and forth thing so not cool.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
What I would love to see in the X-Division
I used screen capture for this post
I've been typing up some thoughts over the last week since the big Destination X ppv that was on July 10th 2011, over on my main blog.
I told you just a few hours before the ppv whom I thought would win the Ultimate X (voted for Amazing Red) and the Four Way Contract match (voted for Austin Aries).
I was right on one hand (Aries won his contract) and wrong on the other.(Alex Shelley won the Ultimate X, for I think the first time )
I told you why I thought the way I thought, because of an opening for a great feud. (I thought they would put Shelley and Aries in a feud because Shelley vs Aries has months of value in it)
I've also made comments on my main blog about why I did not see Shelley getting the X-belt away from Brian Kendrick anytime soon. A) Kendrick winning it for the first time B) Shelley vs Aries would make for great lead in to Bound for Glory C) Bound for Glory is the key here folks. D) Shelley will get the belt leading into December, just in time for Chris Sabin to return demanding a shot at the X-belt
This is what I think will happen, what I would like to see.
I also happen to think that Brian Kendrick deserves to have a decent time length with his first run as champ. He's got the talent, the status and has proven over the last while he can hold a storyline without fans loosing interest.
I've been typing up some thoughts over the last week since the big Destination X ppv that was on July 10th 2011, over on my main blog.
I told you just a few hours before the ppv whom I thought would win the Ultimate X (voted for Amazing Red) and the Four Way Contract match (voted for Austin Aries).
I was right on one hand (Aries won his contract) and wrong on the other.(Alex Shelley won the Ultimate X, for I think the first time )
I told you why I thought the way I thought, because of an opening for a great feud. (I thought they would put Shelley and Aries in a feud because Shelley vs Aries has months of value in it)
I've also made comments on my main blog about why I did not see Shelley getting the X-belt away from Brian Kendrick anytime soon. A) Kendrick winning it for the first time B) Shelley vs Aries would make for great lead in to Bound for Glory C) Bound for Glory is the key here folks. D) Shelley will get the belt leading into December, just in time for Chris Sabin to return demanding a shot at the X-belt
This is what I think will happen, what I would like to see.
I also happen to think that Brian Kendrick deserves to have a decent time length with his first run as champ. He's got the talent, the status and has proven over the last while he can hold a storyline without fans loosing interest.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
What I thought of WWE this week
I'll start with NXT.
Another Rookie got eliminated this week. Conor O'Brian. I want another recount! Damn it!
Then at the end of the show, they bring back Derrick Bateman. Are you trying to piss me off? You traded Conor O'Brian for that piece of crap?
If you saw Raw this week, then you saw what looks like the end of CM Punk.
On NXT, they announced that because of his little rant he's been suspended indefinitely. Um, how does that work? I mean, wasn't he leaving anyway? So all WWE has done is take away his last match ? Was there a real point to that other then you know, getting his name in more headlines then it would have been to begin with. So I suppose a kudos to you.
And then we had the announcement of Chavo quitting. This was a semi-shock. One of the best natural talents in the business and he was not being used proper. I do not blame him for bailing. Would have made sense to stick out the last few episodes of NXT, but that's from a fan's point of view. I have no idea what might have been going on behind the scenes.
And again, I ask Does anyone know what happened to Husky Harris? one day he's part of the New Nexus, next day he gets a boot to the skull, then poof.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Can we talk about....
I used screen capture for this post
Johnny Curtis for a moment?
I mean man, what's not to dig here? A hot wrestler who has been doing a gimmick with food for the last month. First he was crying over spilled milk, then he had a chip on his shoulder, and now says "you didn't cut the mustard"
Dude! I love this!
Yeah, there was an interruption with a joke about an ace in the hole, but we'll bypass that and just go with the flow.
It's got me wondering and giggling, about what his character will be like when they finally let him on air on Smackdown? It looks to me like he's going to have an easier time establishing himself as a Face {though I think he'd have major fan backing as a Heel too} then some of the other guys on air right now. I would love to see him in a feud with Sheamus or Wade Barrett.
Hey, anyone know what happened to Husky Harris?
As you can see, I have a sort of screen shot, sort of photo here. It's actually a photo of the television. Which I suppose makes it a screen shot? You can see the Score's headlines running at the bottom of the photo, I left it in on purpose. This is why, to answer the one email I got, I do not have shots of WWE stuff compared to TNA/Impact. Impact, I watch online, WWE, I watch on tv. {I do not have cable, and my mom who puts up with me watching stuff at her house only has basic cable which means no Spike} So my Spudguns, you know my dirty little secret.
Johnny Curtis for a moment?
I mean man, what's not to dig here? A hot wrestler who has been doing a gimmick with food for the last month. First he was crying over spilled milk, then he had a chip on his shoulder, and now says "you didn't cut the mustard"
Dude! I love this!
Yeah, there was an interruption with a joke about an ace in the hole, but we'll bypass that and just go with the flow.
It's got me wondering and giggling, about what his character will be like when they finally let him on air on Smackdown? It looks to me like he's going to have an easier time establishing himself as a Face {though I think he'd have major fan backing as a Heel too} then some of the other guys on air right now. I would love to see him in a feud with Sheamus or Wade Barrett.
Hey, anyone know what happened to Husky Harris?
As you can see, I have a sort of screen shot, sort of photo here. It's actually a photo of the television. Which I suppose makes it a screen shot? You can see the Score's headlines running at the bottom of the photo, I left it in on purpose. This is why, to answer the one email I got, I do not have shots of WWE stuff compared to TNA/Impact. Impact, I watch online, WWE, I watch on tv. {I do not have cable, and my mom who puts up with me watching stuff at her house only has basic cable which means no Spike} So my Spudguns, you know my dirty little secret.

Saturday, June 25, 2011
My predictions for WWE NXT Season 5
I've been following Season 5 of NXT but not reviewing it. For the simple fact, it's been a bit of a time waster.
The idea this season, to let 6 Rookies earn a spot on season 6.
Yeah, they are not even fighting for a chance to be on Smackdown or Raw but to be the star of the next season. How stupid is that?
The upside, they get to pick their Pro in season 6.
The show is down to 3 Rookies. It started off this season by chancing it's name to NXT Redemption. Okay, I get that. And we saw the return of Conor O'Brian, Byron Saxton, Darren Young, Jacob Novak, Titus O'Neil and Lucky Cannon.
The remaining Rookies are Conor O'Brian, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil.
Jacob Novak's biggest weakness was not having a proper identity. They tried pairing him up with JTG and feuding him with William Regal, but even Regal could not keep Novak on air. He was the first eliminated.
Byron Saxton had been teamed up with Yoshi Tatsu. Which also failed to bring forth anything solid from Saxton in the identity area. It was painful to think that had the creative team stepped in with something better then having him slighted over Tatsu's distractions, Saxton might still be on air. But he was the next to be eliminated.
Lucky Cannon was teamed up with Tyson Kidd. He just got eliminated. Putting him squarely as a Heel was a brilliant move, as I could never look at him and think Face. Sorry, but if Lucky Cannon ever pops up on my screen again, I damn sure hope it's with about 5 inches of that stringy hair gone. { he just makes me think of Wickham from Pride and Prejudice not a good thing }
Titus O'Neil is teamed up with Hornswaggle. And it's truly his only saving grace. Brilliant move, as he's got the in house crowds full attention. Let's face it, and as much as I hate to say it, he's going to win. Not on talent, but on the fact his Pro is an over the top character.
Darren Young is teamed up with Chavo. Another brilliant move here. Young has already established himself from being part of Nexus last year, as a Heel. Teaming him with one of the heeliest of the classic Heels puts him in a solid spot in people's minds. The talent is there, the ring awareness is there, and now he's got a proper identity to cling to.
Conor O'Brian is teamed with Kozlov. Another brilliant move. He's dropped the extreme gimmicks and just seems to be having a chance to show more of his talents in the ring. I also like this version of his character because it's one that can establish him as either Face or Heel without too much of a shock down the road. I think it would give him enough fan backing to carry him through to land him on Smackdown. Just think of the feuds he could easily fit into if he were to make it. {against Wade Barrett, against Sheamus, against Johnny Curtis} The announce team keeps commenting each week how O'Brian has been able to physically prepare himself since teaming with Kozlov. They would make a fabulous tag team if the voters bother to go on talent and actually look at the win/lose side of things.
What I would like to see happen: I would like to see Conor O'Brian get a contract for Smackdown.
What I believe will happen: I believe that Titus O'Neil will get the season 6 pass by having been on Hornswaggle's coattails.
I'm not too sure if there are two episodes or only one left.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I've got one sentence for you
I used screen capture for this post.
The return of Austin Aries.
I don't care who won the match or who lost it, but when I saw him come to the ring,(June 16th 2011 episode) there was only one man who I saw in the match.
Austin Aries
Talk about a total package. Dude!
He was part of a triple threat match for a spot in the up coming X-Division special at the next ppv, and the crowd seemed to feel the same way I did when they spotted him, as it was a house full of the Aries chant. He won a spot in the tournament by the by.
It's wrestlers like him that will make wrestling matter again.
The return of Austin Aries.
I don't care who won the match or who lost it, but when I saw him come to the ring,(June 16th 2011 episode) there was only one man who I saw in the match.
Austin Aries
Talk about a total package. Dude!
He was part of a triple threat match for a spot in the up coming X-Division special at the next ppv, and the crowd seemed to feel the same way I did when they spotted him, as it was a house full of the Aries chant. He won a spot in the tournament by the by.
It's wrestlers like him that will make wrestling matter again.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I thought I would open up the topic of theme music.
Your theme sets the mood for both how the crowd responds to you and how your character will come across.
First off, let me say, the in house crowds will react much differently then those of us watching television will. I'm going strictly on the idea of sitting in front of the television every week and hearing each wrestler's theme in semi-surround sound.
This is also only in regards to the current themes (as of June 9th 2011)
- MotorCityMachine Guns! I feel this is something that TNA-Impact is falling short on. I have to hand it to the Guns for having the best theme in the company at the current time. It's got a punch that not only has that high energy to it, it's different from most else out there. You hear it and there is no staggering which sometimes happens as there are a few themes that sound similar to each other at the moment. I am curious to see if Alex Shelley continues to use it over the next few months while Chris Sabin is out on injury or if they will bring in something for his solo run? My vote is to keep the MMG theme as is.
- Wade Barrett (the Corre) over on WWE, we have another song that is high energy and sets up in viewers minds a total rebel badass. It's gritty, but still something that sticks in your mind.
- Alex Riley's theme. All I can say is it's about time. It's got a harder edge to it and I don't know if it's just the fact it's a new theme or if maybe he had some say in it himself, but it fits. You hear it and feel this song could be played at proper concerts without feeling like it's a theme song.
- Randy Orton's song. What can I say. Hands down, it's the anthem for wrestling themes. High energy, gritty, seductive and suggestively brutal. You get the base of Orton's character, plus the feel that it could become a useful element down the road in other pieces of entertainment. I keep thinking horror film theme here.
- Yoshi Tatsu's theme. Dude, I'm sorry but every time I hear that song, I think bad Saturday morning commercials for fruit roll ups and bubblegum.
Friday, May 20, 2011
RIP Randy Savage
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Your TNA Photo of the Week
I used screen capture for this post
The MotorCityMachine Guns!
I was flipping through the show this week April 29th 2011 episode; (fast forwarding as usual) when I saw Chris Sabin. I decided to watch the match. Dude, how's the knee? Then was more then happy when the music started again and we had the official return of Alex Shelley (I still stand by what I said few weeks ago on my main blog {} that I think Mr. Shelley has been sporting the Suicide suit)
The MotorCityMachine Guns!
I was flipping through the show this week April 29th 2011 episode; (fast forwarding as usual) when I saw Chris Sabin. I decided to watch the match. Dude, how's the knee? Then was more then happy when the music started again and we had the official return of Alex Shelley (I still stand by what I said few weeks ago on my main blog {} that I think Mr. Shelley has been sporting the Suicide suit)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Dear Wade Barrett
Dear Wade Barrett:
Every week I watch you do your thing on Smackdown, and every week I have one question that burns my mind up so much I get very distracted.
What's up with your hair?
Seriously. Dude, it never moves. This week's episode (April 22nd 2011) you were slammed down hard on the outside of the ring by Kofi Kingston, (oh how is your hand?) but your hair never so much as had a breeze touch it. What's going on there? Did you shellac it? ( just ask Mr. Sabin from TNA. He'll tell you I'm honestly wanting to know about the hair situation) Can you come to the ring for one match, just one, without the product heavy hair? Just once I would like to see some movement with it.
Love Ardeth Blood.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My Thoughts on TNA Impact for April 14th 2011
Originally posted on my main blog on April 17th 2011
I used screen capture for this post
It's been a long time since I did one of these Eh? Yes indeedy it has. I had some time this afternoon, and thought with the ppv tonight, what the hell, I'd throw in a few comments.
As you know my Spudguns, I've not been happy with TNA for the last year, which accumulated with my total meltdown last summer. Mr. Shelley, I actually have to thank you for sparking that, it was a health blessing in disguise.
I rarely watchthe whole show anymore. the show at normal speed, as I fast forward through it most times.
So with that said....
We opened with a flashback from the week before. It was nicely edited that's about all I have to say on it.
The ring the was filled with crap... er Immortal. They blah blah blahed for over 6minutes before Mr. Anderson came out for his five minute beat down. This brought us to the 10minute mark of the show.
We then went to some of the Knock Outs. Seriously, this storyline sucks goatballs between Sky and Winter. Just end it all ready. PPPPSSSTTT Velvet, Salt is to Zombies what Garlic is to Vampires.
Then we find ourselves peeking in on more crap with Immortal. Seems the "Network" is not happy. Okay laying bets here, the Network will end up being....oh hell I have no frealing clue. Throwing a name out there for the hell of it... Raven.
Match#1- Crimson vs Orlando Jordan vs Jesse Neil vs Williams Of course, Stiener, Young, Moore and Magnus were at ringside. Now, if you caught my comments the other week, you know I am dubbing Young/Jordan the Trans-Can-Connection wither they like it or not. Embrace it, it's good for you.
I know this was suppose to showcase the teams before heading into the ppv tonight, and it should have been the highlight of the night but it was just handled like dog dren. I was sort of pissed off by the lack of anything surrounding this match up. The only good thing was that Orlando Jordan got the win and we got to see Eric Young do the funny.
We then sawBrother Ray Bully Ray threaten RVD.
Match #2- Matt Hardy vs Kazarian. Their crews both came to the ring but rightly so were banned from ringside. This was the first of a series of matches to see who would have the upperhand at tonight's ppv. Hardy got this win.
We then had to sit through the Knock Outs again... Tara and Rayne threatening Mickie.
Match #3- Jeff Jarrett/Pope/Hernandez vs Samoa Joe/evil druid Matt Morgan/Kurt Angle. Pope cheated to get a win over Joe.
Jarrett and Karen then ran for the streets. This brought us back to the ring, with more crap between RVD and Immortal. Then Sting, the bedazzled champ came to the ring with a live mic. Bored now.
Match #4-Abyss vs James Storm. This is the second match in the best of series for the ppv upperhand. Again, this had a slight chance of being the highlight but was just too casual. Abyss got this round for his team.
Little more of the office scenes with Bishoff trying to weasel out who is in the network.
Then there was some more with the Knock Outs. Sky, I'm telling you toss the salt.
Match #5- Mr. Anderson in a gauntlet match He faced A) Murphy, and got the mic-check then B) Rob Terry came in, another mic-check for the round, C) Gunner then up, and you guessed it another mic-check by Mr. Anderson then D) Bully Ray ran in for a few minutes. Then this match sort of broke down. Bully Ray tossed him to the floor, dragged him to the stage, and was about to finish him off when Sting came out.
The wrap up of the show was a mini-Reaction with Beer Money Inc, Daniels, Kazarian discussing their matches and the up coming ppv.
Cut to Camera 2 RVD talking about the ppv... I think.
Cut to Camera 3 Mr. Anderson was questioned about the match he just had and the ppv. He tore up a poor water bottle and a wall. And was screaming about the title.
Cut to Camera 4 Sting ranting about his focus being to clean the crap out.
Cut to Camera 5 Hogan wandering around the building ranting about Sting.
Honestly, bit of a disappointment this week. The tag match involving half the X-Division had promise of being the highlight, as did the James Storm match but both were handled wrong.
I used screen capture for this post

As you know my Spudguns, I've not been happy with TNA for the last year, which accumulated with my total meltdown last summer. Mr. Shelley, I actually have to thank you for sparking that, it was a health blessing in disguise.
I rarely watch
So with that said....
We opened with a flashback from the week before. It was nicely edited that's about all I have to say on it.
The ring the was filled with crap... er Immortal. They blah blah blahed for over 6minutes before Mr. Anderson came out for his five minute beat down. This brought us to the 10minute mark of the show.
We then went to some of the Knock Outs. Seriously, this storyline sucks goatballs between Sky and Winter. Just end it all ready. PPPPSSSTTT Velvet, Salt is to Zombies what Garlic is to Vampires.
Then we find ourselves peeking in on more crap with Immortal. Seems the "Network" is not happy. Okay laying bets here, the Network will end up being....oh hell I have no frealing clue. Throwing a name out there for the hell of it... Raven.

I know this was suppose to showcase the teams before heading into the ppv tonight, and it should have been the highlight of the night but it was just handled like dog dren. I was sort of pissed off by the lack of anything surrounding this match up. The only good thing was that Orlando Jordan got the win and we got to see Eric Young do the funny.
We then saw
Match #2- Matt Hardy vs Kazarian. Their crews both came to the ring but rightly so were banned from ringside. This was the first of a series of matches to see who would have the upperhand at tonight's ppv. Hardy got this win.
We then had to sit through the Knock Outs again... Tara and Rayne threatening Mickie.
Match #3- Jeff Jarrett/Pope/Hernandez vs Samoa Joe/evil druid Matt Morgan/Kurt Angle. Pope cheated to get a win over Joe.
Jarrett and Karen then ran for the streets. This brought us back to the ring, with more crap between RVD and Immortal. Then Sting, the bedazzled champ came to the ring with a live mic. Bored now.
Match #4-Abyss vs James Storm. This is the second match in the best of series for the ppv upperhand. Again, this had a slight chance of being the highlight but was just too casual. Abyss got this round for his team.
Little more of the office scenes with Bishoff trying to weasel out who is in the network.
Then there was some more with the Knock Outs. Sky, I'm telling you toss the salt.
The wrap up of the show was a mini-Reaction with Beer Money Inc, Daniels, Kazarian discussing their matches and the up coming ppv.
Cut to Camera 2 RVD talking about the ppv... I think.
Cut to Camera 3 Mr. Anderson was questioned about the match he just had and the ppv. He tore up a poor water bottle and a wall. And was screaming about the title.
Cut to Camera 4 Sting ranting about his focus being to clean the crap out.
Cut to Camera 5 Hogan wandering around the building ranting about Sting.
Honestly, bit of a disappointment this week. The tag match involving half the X-Division had promise of being the highlight, as did the James Storm match but both were handled wrong.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Angry Fans...The Continued Saga of the TNA Watchers partX
The "Network" did dren like this back in ECW 13 years ago (Cyrus vs Corino etc) when they were on Spike.
Raping Shakespeare : when you keep taking old scripts and doing them over and over again every six months as termed by a bunch of Westgate high school students in Thunder Bay in 1992
Seems whomever over at TNA/Spike in creative have gotten the key to the old storage rooms there and pulled out some more scripts dusted them off and yeah you get where I'm going with this.
Or the worst thought, if this isn't totally scripted dren. If this is the semi-real deal of backstage politics then... I'm dumbfounded on why they are doing it all over again and in the public eye?
Isn't wrestling suppose to be fanbased interactive theater? The fans have been for a year telling you what makes us happy and what doesn't but yet it's like you have corn in your ears. And you all wonder why I call myself TNA's nagging Internet wife?
What we want Tag Teams, X-Division. That you can repeat. Tag Teams, X-Division. Tag Teams, X-Division. Throw some J.B. in there on commentary, let Eric Young do his comedy between segments. And that's a happy recipe.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Smackdown Highlights for April 8th 2011
We opened with Alberto Del Rio and his crew before Edge came out to the ring with the destroyed car from the ppv.
Match #1 was Big Show/Kane/Santio/Kofi Kingston vs the Corre. This was a 2 out of 3 falls match.
The first fall went to Kofi over Gabriel
The second fall went to Wade over Santino
Then the whole thing became chaos, and I thought it was a double DQ but the ref awarded the third fall to Santino. I think because BS knocked out Gabriel and he was down for a ten count. I know, sounds odd to me too.
Match #2 was Cody Rhodes vs Trent Barreta. This went to Rhodes. I've made comments before about not liking Trent Barreta, but the more I see this dude on the show, the more he's sort of grown on me. Would be nice to see him win once.
Match #3 Divas. LayCool vs KellyKelly/Phoenix. KellyKelly got the win
Match #4 Alberto Del Rio vs Christian.
And you know what, the match of the week goes once again to Del Rio and Christian.
We started with what was looking like a collar tie up, but Del Rio turned into a go behind then slammed a hard closed fist to the shoulders of Christian. Del Rio then followed it up with a tree chop and a kick to the face. Del Rio continued to have control of things getting Christian in a side headlock before both bounced off the ropes. This broke the hold, but Del Rio smoothly turned this into a shoulder block knocking Christian to the mat. Del Rio then went for an early cover but only got a one count.
Both men on their feet now, as Del Rio delivered another series of kicks and chops to Christian. Christian did manage to get an upper hand for a moment sending Del Rio into the ropes then using a leap frog turned into a shoulder block. Christian went for a cover but only managed a one count. Christian followed this with a short flip, getting Del Rio down on the mat in another headlock. Del Rio fought out of it with yet another hight knee and a punch combo making his way back to his feet.
Christian bounced off the ropes delivering a hard slap to Del Rio rocking him before following it up with a slingshot to the outside of the ring, going for his trademark Trade Up, but missed as Del Rio moved.
Christian back in the ring, tossing Del Rio out to the announce booth. Before Del Rio could climb back to the ring, he was met face first by a mini dropkick from Christian, sending him flying again into the booth.
Del Rio managed to turn it around long enough to grab Christian pulling him out of the ring on the far side, slamming him into the stairs.
Back in the ring, and we see Del Rio try for a cover but failed. He then locked on another side headlock on Christian, just before both managed to fight to their feet. Christian fought out of the hold, with a series of elbows to the chest of Del Rio. Del Rio delivered a headbutt rocking Christian and keeping control of things. This was followed up with a backbreaker.
Del Rio went for yet one more cover, but found no use as Christian crawled to the bottom rope. Del Rio then kicked him in the back before kneling on his throat.
Christian managed to move to the corner where upon Del Rio charged him, connecting a hard knee to the jaw. Out of nowhere, Christian delivered a hard right hand rocking Del Rio to the mat. Christian then went to the turnbuckle, but Del Rio countered with a superplex off the top rope. Both men were down in the middle of the ring.
Del Rio got to his feet first, but Christian grabbed him for a small package. This only got him a near fall.
Del Rio then with an angry looking dropkick to the skull of Christian.
Christian came back at him with a running clothesline toppling them both back out to the floor. Del Rio then drove Christian face first into the post before tossing him back into the ring. He followed this up with an attempt at a centon off the second rope, but missed as Christian moved out of the way.
Christian answered this with a drop kick from the second turnbuckle. He then went outside the ring connecting with his trade mark Trade Up and was climbing to the top delievering a crossbody.
Del Rio went for his cross armbreaker, but found it countered as Christian sent him into the corner face first. Christian then charged at him, but Del Rio moved out of the way.
Christian managed a mule kick springboard combo from the second turnbuckle, which he somehow smoothly turned into a sunset flip rollup. But Del Rio found a way to counter it, locking on his cross armbreaker. Christian broke the hold by wrapping his legs around the bottom rope.
Christian once more got things around to his favour with a reversed hangman off the top rope leaving Del Rio flat.
A distraction was then caused by Brodus Clay and Edge outside of the ring, giving Del Rio a chance to use an enzuigiri in the corner for the win.
Del Rio is now the #1 Contender again.
And You Are... Regarding?
I used screen capture for this post
We have an official tag team in TNA. One that proudly displays this fact by their new t-shirt.
Eric Young and Orlando Jordan.
Only what are you two calling yourselves these days? Nothing? No-Name Brand X?
Okay my lovelies, not too worry that's what I'm here for, besides being your favourite member of the wrestling fashion police ; Jordan what is with your diaper obsession lately on the show? I have a thing for giving people nic-names. Even when they have yet to ask me for one.
So we have Mr. Yummy.... er I mean Mr. Young, and Mr. Jordan. One is a former member of Team Canada, the other is a guy who likes to be in Vogue. I can work with this, trust me. I'm Canadian I can do anything in
- 32c
Looking at this screen capture here, I see that Mr. Jordan has a full on Grace Jones thing happening (loved the movie VAMP) and Mr. Yummy is wearing too much fake-bake. Which means, I honestly am not sure which one is wearing more make up in this shot? Sort of an even call.
Oh I got it... the Trans-Can-Connection.... no too risque? Hey, never said I was Politically Correct Damn it!
I actually like that one. But any how.... Team Fabulous. Or maybe Yo-Yos? No, that one sort of sucks goat balls. I'm still leaning towards the Trans-Can-Connection.
Well that's settled. As in basically I have no cares my lovelies what you/TNA officially call yourselves; in my world you are now, Mr. Young and Mr. Jordan, The Trans-Can-Connection. Embrace it.
Love Ardeth Blood.
We have an official tag team in TNA. One that proudly displays this fact by their new t-shirt.
Eric Young and Orlando Jordan.
Only what are you two calling yourselves these days? Nothing? No-Name Brand X?
Okay my lovelies, not too worry that's what I'm here for, besides being your favourite member of the wrestling fashion police ; Jordan what is with your diaper obsession lately on the show? I have a thing for giving people nic-names. Even when they have yet to ask me for one.
So we have Mr. Yummy.... er I mean Mr. Young, and Mr. Jordan. One is a former member of Team Canada, the other is a guy who likes to be in Vogue. I can work with this, trust me. I'm Canadian I can do anything in
- 32c
Looking at this screen capture here, I see that Mr. Jordan has a full on Grace Jones thing happening (loved the movie VAMP) and Mr. Yummy is wearing too much fake-bake. Which means, I honestly am not sure which one is wearing more make up in this shot? Sort of an even call.
Oh I got it... the Trans-Can-Connection.... no too risque? Hey, never said I was Politically Correct Damn it!
I actually like that one. But any how.... Team Fabulous. Or maybe Yo-Yos? No, that one sort of sucks goat balls. I'm still leaning towards the Trans-Can-Connection.
Well that's settled. As in basically I have no cares my lovelies what you/TNA officially call yourselves; in my world you are now, Mr. Young and Mr. Jordan, The Trans-Can-Connection. Embrace it.
Love Ardeth Blood.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Raw Highlights for April 4th 2011
So this was the big show after Wrestlemania 27.
I was not completely impressed. No, I did not see WM27. I'm poor, I can not afford ppvs.
Raw opened with Triple H coming to the ring to hint at the idea that a new feud is now going to emerge between himself and Undertaker, after the fact he lost and the Undertaker is secure with a 19-0.
From there, we had Cole come out banged up to the nines with a horrible red outfit on. Bad choice there Cole, bad choice. Stick to your suites please. He waxed poetic about his win the night before too.
Match #1 was a rematch between Lawler and Swagger from the other week. Swagger got the win originally with his ankle lock but the ref reversed the decision when he would not let it go after the bell.
Match #2 was a tag team return match as well between Randy Orton/Rey Mysterio vs CMPunk/Cody Rhodes. This was the longest match of the show by the by. Orton got the pin on this one.
Orton won his WM27 match the night before against Punk
Rhodes won his WM27 match the night before against Mysterio.
Stone Cold then came out to introduce the crew of the New Tough Enough. This was interrupted by Miz and the Bore-Spore Alex Riley. Miz I see was still the champ meaning he won his WM27 match as well. Of course, this broke down rapidly with the Bore-Spore getting a stunner, which ruined his tux. Cole then got a beer poured over him in his little cubicle.
Match #3 was Alberto Del Rio vs Evan Bourne. Del Rio got the win on this one.
He lost his WM27 match the night before.
Match #4 was Dolph Ziggler/Vickie vs John Morrison/Trish Stratus. Morrison got the win here.
Was interesting to see that when Vickie came out to the ring, she ripped a new one into LayCool for having lost their match the night before to that reality star.
Can't wait to see how that is going to turn out. Will we see a feud between Vickie and Layla?
Match #5 was Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan. Sheamus got the win. This had been for the United States belt. You all know I have a bit of a lust for Sheamus, but dude, so not digging the new red/white/blue gear. It just seems wrong to me.
Then the Raw debut of Sin Cara. As he came down to the ring to make himself known to Sheamus. This is a feud that could have some interesting elements if played out right.
The show closed out with Cena vs the Rock talking at each other in the ring. Then doing something that had me scratching my skull... Cena vs the Rock at WM28. Yes you and I did not have corn in our ears, lest I did not you might have. They are letting us know a full year ahead of time what the main event will be.
My question is Why? What the hell are they going to do for a full year with these two?
Big mistake I think. Seriously. A full year? By the time we get to next year's WrestleMania we'll have seen way too much of these two. There is just no way they can make a silk purse out of that sow's ear.
Then the Corre tried their best to scare up some trouble on the Rock and Cena but got their hairdos handed back to them. I say it that way because, you guessed it, Wade Barrett's hair did not move. He got slammed, shuffled, bottomed and a few slaps and that Jughead Jones comic book hairdo did not move a millimeter. None! Someone needs to hide the hair gel in their locker room. Just once, I would like to see Wade Barrett come to the ring with hair that has some life to it.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The match of the week
It has been months since I felt that there was a match worthy of being the match of the week. I also realized how rusty I am at this so....
Smackdown from March 25th 2011
Christian vs Albetro Del Rio
They started with a collar tie up, which Del Rio broke by using a high knee to the chest of Christian. Then followed it up with a hard elbow to the back of his neck. Del Rio in control with a headlock on Christian which Christian broke by backing them into the ropes.
Christian then took control of things with a running shoulder block sending Del Rio to the mat. He tried for a cover but only got a two count. Christian still in control with another side headlock. Del Rio pushed him then into the corner, getting a break on the hold and delivering a high kick to the ribs of Christian. He followed this by a hard right hand to the side of the skull and a kick.
Christian was down at this point, in the corner. Del Rio then whipped him into the far corner, going full steam at him but Christian flipped him out of the ring. Christian followed this up with a flying cross body. Both men were then on the floor outside of the ring.
Back in the ring, Christian was in the corner, as Del Rio charged but was met with a mule kick. Christian then managed to get a flying sunset flip off the turnbuckle on Del Rio. He got only a two count.
Del Rio turned all this around for about a second with a tree chop before getting sent back outside of the ring by a short clothesline. Christian followed him with a baseball slide, but missed as Del Rio took him by the left arm, slamming him hard into the stairs.
Back in the ring, and Del Rio went for a cover but only got a near fall. He turned this smoothly into his armbar, working once more on the left side of Christian.
Trying to fight out of it, Christian got a headbutt from Del Rio. Del Rio then stomped on Christian before heading up to the second turnbuckle. He used a flying centon landing hard on the shoulder of Christian. He went again for the cover but Christian kicked out.
Del Rio followed all this up with a series of punches and a sharp kick to the side of the skull on Christian. This was the set up again for his armbar. Christian tried to fight out again, but just couldn't.
Bouncing off the ropes, Del Rio delievered another kick to Christian's side, then once more headed to the turnbuckle, but Christian managed to up end him, with a hard punch before delievering a hurricanrana. Christian tried for a cover but only gained himself a near fall.
Both got to their feet, with Christian landing a series of punches to Del Rio, following it with a running clothesline before going outside for his trademark slap -which I'm now calling the Trade Up-
Christian was heading for another cross body but missed as Del Rio rolled out of the way. Del Rio then with a full on running enzuigiri but missed. Then Christian off the second turnbuckle with a DDT and went once more for the cover but only got a two count as Del Rio's assistant got his leg on the rope.
Del Rio went for his cross armbreaker, but was countered by Christian who was going for his trademark killswitch. BUT this too was countered by Del Rio flipping him over.
Del Rio responded with another standing enzuigiri, going again for the cover but Christian rolled out.
Del Rio then managed to lock on his cross armbreaker, thinking he had it, until Christian got to the ropes breaking the hold.
Both men then to their feet and both went for a running clothesline and both ended up on their backs.
Outside the ring, Edge and Brodus Clay were causing a distraction.
Del Rio then with another kick to the left arm of Christian, but Christian managed to use the distraction outside the ring to slap on his killswitch and get the win.
* why is Brodus Clay around constantly when Johnny Curtis won their Season of NXT and we've yet to see Curtis on either Smackdown or Raw?*
Smackdown from March 25th 2011
Christian vs Albetro Del Rio
They started with a collar tie up, which Del Rio broke by using a high knee to the chest of Christian. Then followed it up with a hard elbow to the back of his neck. Del Rio in control with a headlock on Christian which Christian broke by backing them into the ropes.
Christian then took control of things with a running shoulder block sending Del Rio to the mat. He tried for a cover but only got a two count. Christian still in control with another side headlock. Del Rio pushed him then into the corner, getting a break on the hold and delivering a high kick to the ribs of Christian. He followed this by a hard right hand to the side of the skull and a kick.
Christian was down at this point, in the corner. Del Rio then whipped him into the far corner, going full steam at him but Christian flipped him out of the ring. Christian followed this up with a flying cross body. Both men were then on the floor outside of the ring.
Back in the ring, Christian was in the corner, as Del Rio charged but was met with a mule kick. Christian then managed to get a flying sunset flip off the turnbuckle on Del Rio. He got only a two count.
Del Rio turned all this around for about a second with a tree chop before getting sent back outside of the ring by a short clothesline. Christian followed him with a baseball slide, but missed as Del Rio took him by the left arm, slamming him hard into the stairs.
Back in the ring, and Del Rio went for a cover but only got a near fall. He turned this smoothly into his armbar, working once more on the left side of Christian.
Trying to fight out of it, Christian got a headbutt from Del Rio. Del Rio then stomped on Christian before heading up to the second turnbuckle. He used a flying centon landing hard on the shoulder of Christian. He went again for the cover but Christian kicked out.
Del Rio followed all this up with a series of punches and a sharp kick to the side of the skull on Christian. This was the set up again for his armbar. Christian tried to fight out again, but just couldn't.
Bouncing off the ropes, Del Rio delievered another kick to Christian's side, then once more headed to the turnbuckle, but Christian managed to up end him, with a hard punch before delievering a hurricanrana. Christian tried for a cover but only gained himself a near fall.
Both got to their feet, with Christian landing a series of punches to Del Rio, following it with a running clothesline before going outside for his trademark slap -which I'm now calling the Trade Up-
Christian was heading for another cross body but missed as Del Rio rolled out of the way. Del Rio then with a full on running enzuigiri but missed. Then Christian off the second turnbuckle with a DDT and went once more for the cover but only got a two count as Del Rio's assistant got his leg on the rope.
Del Rio went for his cross armbreaker, but was countered by Christian who was going for his trademark killswitch. BUT this too was countered by Del Rio flipping him over.
Del Rio responded with another standing enzuigiri, going again for the cover but Christian rolled out.
Del Rio then managed to lock on his cross armbreaker, thinking he had it, until Christian got to the ropes breaking the hold.
Both men then to their feet and both went for a running clothesline and both ended up on their backs.
Outside the ring, Edge and Brodus Clay were causing a distraction.
Del Rio then with another kick to the left arm of Christian, but Christian managed to use the distraction outside the ring to slap on his killswitch and get the win.
* why is Brodus Clay around constantly when Johnny Curtis won their Season of NXT and we've yet to see Curtis on either Smackdown or Raw?*
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Question for TNA
Are there any TNA wrestlers left in TNA?
The injuries and contracts that are done have piled up. What's happening over there in the Impact Zone?
Why do I ask?
Well, because the last thing I heard was that the injury A.J. Styles suffered from on the March 17th 2011 episode was the real deal. And that he's out; maybe for good. Which is a shame.
I live in a place where Xplosion does not air, so I have no idea who of the X-Division is working on that show. And what the hell happened to our tag teams?
Just a few weeks ago we were all praising TNA for their tag division, now we have what?... 2 teams left? Beer Money and that Gunner/Murphy. What the freal? What are Beer Money suppose to do?
I am so disappointed with what has transpired the last while.
It was only little over a month ago I saw a glimmer of hope in a new positive direction for TNA, but that got squashed too quickly.
Ardeth Blood has left the zone.
The injuries and contracts that are done have piled up. What's happening over there in the Impact Zone?
Why do I ask?
Well, because the last thing I heard was that the injury A.J. Styles suffered from on the March 17th 2011 episode was the real deal. And that he's out; maybe for good. Which is a shame.
I live in a place where Xplosion does not air, so I have no idea who of the X-Division is working on that show. And what the hell happened to our tag teams?
Just a few weeks ago we were all praising TNA for their tag division, now we have what?... 2 teams left? Beer Money and that Gunner/Murphy. What the freal? What are Beer Money suppose to do?
I am so disappointed with what has transpired the last while.
It was only little over a month ago I saw a glimmer of hope in a new positive direction for TNA, but that got squashed too quickly.
Ardeth Blood has left the zone.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Lest we got a new belt
Originally posted on my main blog on March 20th 2011
I used screen capture for this post.
Okay, my TNA Spudguns, you all know I barely watch the show anymore, I fast forward through 90% of it. But I did bother to watch the first two minutes of the beginning and the last seven minutes of the end.
Why did I bother even doing that? I got distracted by the shinny.
They finally listened to us screaming fans it would seem, and did something about the ugly belt that they have been waving around for the last 6 months. Sting has the title now, and even though it looks much better, it's still... well BEDAZZLED! I'm not kidding. I could not get a decent close up but, it's got little rhinestones all around it like someone went Martha Stewart on it's little body.
So, I'm guessing that they are going to match the belt to the champ for a while now?
And the end of the show... what do I say on that? What should I say on that? There was a time I used to be able to tell a scripted injury from a real one, but since wrestling scripts injuries all the time now, it's an extremely blurred line.
I will say this; if A.J. Styles' injury was just scripted, they did a good job at selling it. If it was a stunt gone horribly wrong, they should be ashamed for keeping the camera rolling.
I used screen capture for this post.

Why did I bother even doing that? I got distracted by the shinny.
They finally listened to us screaming fans it would seem, and did something about the ugly belt that they have been waving around for the last 6 months. Sting has the title now, and even though it looks much better, it's still... well BEDAZZLED! I'm not kidding. I could not get a decent close up but, it's got little rhinestones all around it like someone went Martha Stewart on it's little body.
So, I'm guessing that they are going to match the belt to the champ for a while now?

I will say this; if A.J. Styles' injury was just scripted, they did a good job at selling it. If it was a stunt gone horribly wrong, they should be ashamed for keeping the camera rolling.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
NXT for March 3rd 2011
This was the season 4 finale.
Really, I suppose I should not find it a surprise at all that Johnny Curtis and Brodus Clay were the last two standing, as they have been building a feud between them since day one.
We open with a recap of the full season. Hey, is Conor O'Brian still under the ring? When he got eliminated he went under the ring....
Then both our remaining Rookies had a bit of a face to face in the ring. And I have to say that Clay's mic skills have improved greatly since the first episode.
This lead right into the first match of the night. Brodus Clay got the win.
Josh Mathews said that Derrick Bateman would be on the show later... Why? He got tossed this is not Top Chef, contestants are not suppose to come back once they are tossed.
Bateman was part of a Rookie Reunion Tag Match... I was shaking my head on this one until.... the return of Conor O'Brian okay that answered my question from twenty minutes ago and made me happy.
So Match #2 was between Derrick Bateman/Conor O'Brian vs Jacob Novak/Byron Saxton. Novak bailed leaving his partner to the wolves and Bateman got the win.
The Winner for Season 4 of NXT = Johnny Curtis.
Next week Season 5 starts, and all the announce team said was it will be different from what we've seen so far. I'm thinking, since so many of the superstars as of late have been "fired" that maybe they are going to make them fight for their jobs back? Settle down, I'm just guessing here.
Looks like the Score here in Canada will be airing Season 5 once again on Thursday nights at 9pm EST
Really, I suppose I should not find it a surprise at all that Johnny Curtis and Brodus Clay were the last two standing, as they have been building a feud between them since day one.
We open with a recap of the full season. Hey, is Conor O'Brian still under the ring? When he got eliminated he went under the ring....
Then both our remaining Rookies had a bit of a face to face in the ring. And I have to say that Clay's mic skills have improved greatly since the first episode.
This lead right into the first match of the night. Brodus Clay got the win.
Josh Mathews said that Derrick Bateman would be on the show later... Why? He got tossed this is not Top Chef, contestants are not suppose to come back once they are tossed.
Bateman was part of a Rookie Reunion Tag Match... I was shaking my head on this one until.... the return of Conor O'Brian okay that answered my question from twenty minutes ago and made me happy.
So Match #2 was between Derrick Bateman/Conor O'Brian vs Jacob Novak/Byron Saxton. Novak bailed leaving his partner to the wolves and Bateman got the win.
The Winner for Season 4 of NXT = Johnny Curtis.
Next week Season 5 starts, and all the announce team said was it will be different from what we've seen so far. I'm thinking, since so many of the superstars as of late have been "fired" that maybe they are going to make them fight for their jobs back? Settle down, I'm just guessing here.
Looks like the Score here in Canada will be airing Season 5 once again on Thursday nights at 9pm EST
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
TNA .... WHY?
I'm catching up on a few episodes and I am seeing one theme here.... TNA is building all the current storylines around .... ego trips. Yeah, all of them. ALL.
Um... why?
Are the members of creative on holiday?
Wouldn't a storyline around say revenge or the belts make more sense then one for more tv time? At lest, space them out a bit.
And here I was few weeks ago, getting slightly excited thinking we had new members on the creative team, but it seems it was only for that one week.
Please, hire new writers... Please!
Um... why?
Are the members of creative on holiday?
Wouldn't a storyline around say revenge or the belts make more sense then one for more tv time? At lest, space them out a bit.
And here I was few weeks ago, getting slightly excited thinking we had new members on the creative team, but it seems it was only for that one week.
Please, hire new writers... Please!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I usually keep my Ask-Ardeth column for my main blog, but I thought I'd post it here this time because it's, once again wrestling related that someone was asking me about.
Time to dig into the fang mail for another batch of emails from beyond the grave.
Welcome to an overdue issue of "Ask Ardeth" Where anything that can be thought of to ask will be answered by my horror film Heavy Metal Goddess alter ego Ardeth Blood.
Dear Ardeth:
Reading your blog this past week and wanted to know why you failed to say anything about the Rock, Undertaker and Triple-H returning? You also made a comment about doing TNA reviews again, when?
Jessica P.
Dear Jessica P.
Why have I failed to talk about Rock, Undertaker and Triple-H... cause I'm not fans of theirs and under no obligation to do so. Besides, everyone and their dog's grandmother have been talking about them.
As for getting back to doing TNA reviews, yes I did blog about that on my personal blog -read that here- as to when I get back to it, it's coming down the line. But, I mentioned way back in the late summer and fall of 2010, so many others have started to do what I was doing, and they're doing it now full time.
When I started doing this, I was in a minority, now you can find hundreds of recaps shows and wrestling blogs. This remember, is not my first blogging adventure, I've been at this for a long while on different sites, for the last few years.
That's all the time we have for this one, come back around and see what other gobs of wisdom Ardeth Blood will dish out and serve to her fiends.
You can email Ask Ardeth at
Friday, February 25, 2011
NXT for the week of Feb 24th 2011
We opened with the three remaining Rookies all being told by their Pros that they were on their own this week. Not one single Pro was in the area.
This moved nicely into the first Challenge, the Grace Under Pressure.
Each Rookie had to run around the ring, doing a selection of odd motor skill related tasks from picking up dice with chop sticks to stacking wooden blocks.
- Johnny Curtis clocked in at 1minute 19 seconds
- Brodus Clay clocked in at 1m 46s
- Derrick Bateman clocked in at 1m 43 s
The only match this week was a triple threat between all the Rookies. Johnny Curtis got the win
The second Challenge was the Talk the Talk. The Rookies had 30 seconds or so on the mic to tell the crowd why they should be the next break out star.
Brodus Clay got the win on this one. That earned him 3 points. I think the fact it was his home town gave an advantage to him.
This was an Elimination week. Derrick Bateman was eliminated.
Next week is the final episode for this season of NXT, for the two remaining Rookies, Johnny Curtis and Brodus Clay
I've been saying since the beginning that my money is on Johnny Curtis, let's see if I'm right.
Remember, in Canada it airs on the Score on Thursday nights.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What's WWE's Plan?
Every year at some point they put together two wrestlers who are going to battle each other for the belt, as a tag team to have them wrestle for the tag belts.
And usually, they win much to both wrestler's shock. That leaves them having to defend the tag belts and wondering if they can trust their partner.
So it was no shock to see them do it once again this past Monday on Raw. This time Miz and Cena won the tag belts after defeating Gabriel and Slater who had just won them the night before at the ppv. Cena seemed happy, Miz seemed smug.
Wade Barrett of the Corre then slapped down the old faithful rematch clause and we were all treated to another twelve minutes of what was actually a really interesting match.
Then, instead of sticking to the usual game plan WWE has with this foes for partner storyplot where they would be tag champs for the next month or so until Wrestlemaina, the Miz screwed Cena out of the belts.
Well, even I was sitting there watching the show yesterday (it was the replay as I never get to see anything when it originally airs) wondering what they did that for?
Was it just to shake up the same old same old, or does WWE have something else in store down the road?
I understand that they are really making a point to have the Miz be the most hated champ. {I also happened to notice they really made it a point earlier in the show to drive home the idea that Alberto Del Rio is a Heel even though he's really getting a lot of fan backing as of late. And for one reason, Del Rio is one of the best wrestlers going.} And this move would cement that. Was this just a chance to add a bit of spotlight to the still on-the-respirator-tag division? Or is there something even more diabolical up the sleeves of creative?
Having the belts on Gabriel and Slater in the end... only one step above where they were the night before.
Having Cena and Miz hold the belts for a few weeks... would have been an interesting way to roll into Wrestlemaina.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Smackdown for Feb 18th 2011- Highlights
I thought it was time for a new icon.
This was the 600th episode of Smackdown. It's been on air now for 12 years.
Match #1 was a 12man tag with members from both Raw and Smackdown.
Then Vickie came out to the ring, with her footage from few weeks ago telling Edge that he's been sort of stripped of the belt, saying Dolph Ziggler was the real champ and then fired Edge.
Match #2 Was a Diva's tag match. Layla/Maryse vs Eve/Beth. Layla got the win
Match#3 Kofi Kingston vs Miz. The Miz got the win with a distraction from... Alberto Del Rio of all people. I'm sort of shocked that the Bore-Spore Alex Riley behaved himself. But he was looking spiffy in a white tie. Riley I mean.
Match #4 was Gabriel/Slater vs Santino/Kozlov. This got a large DQ when the rest of the Corre interrupted. Then the Big Show came out and cleaned house.
We ended the show with what was suppose to be the handing over of the belt to Ziggler, but what happened was that Teddy Long came to the ring and told Vickie he knew it had been her all this time who attacked him. He then re-hired Edge
Match #5- Edge vs Ziggler for the title. Edge got the win and was once again named the champ.
Teddy Long then fired Ziggler.
I have to wonder what that storyline is setting up for?
I know the ppv is tonight, and I know the promos for the Undertaker have been saying 2/21/11 which would be tomorrow. So I am guessing that means the Undertaker will be switching over to Raw.
This was the 600th episode of Smackdown. It's been on air now for 12 years.
Match #1 was a 12man tag with members from both Raw and Smackdown.
- Edge
- Randy Orton
- John Morrison
- R-Truth
- Rey Mysterio
- John Cena
- CM Punk
- Sheamus
- Wade Barrett
- Drew McIntyre
- Kane
- Dolph Ziggler
Then Vickie came out to the ring, with her footage from few weeks ago telling Edge that he's been sort of stripped of the belt, saying Dolph Ziggler was the real champ and then fired Edge.
Match #2 Was a Diva's tag match. Layla/Maryse vs Eve/Beth. Layla got the win
Match#3 Kofi Kingston vs Miz. The Miz got the win with a distraction from... Alberto Del Rio of all people. I'm sort of shocked that the Bore-Spore Alex Riley behaved himself. But he was looking spiffy in a white tie. Riley I mean.
Match #4 was Gabriel/Slater vs Santino/Kozlov. This got a large DQ when the rest of the Corre interrupted. Then the Big Show came out and cleaned house.
We ended the show with what was suppose to be the handing over of the belt to Ziggler, but what happened was that Teddy Long came to the ring and told Vickie he knew it had been her all this time who attacked him. He then re-hired Edge
Match #5- Edge vs Ziggler for the title. Edge got the win and was once again named the champ.
Teddy Long then fired Ziggler.
I have to wonder what that storyline is setting up for?
I know the ppv is tonight, and I know the promos for the Undertaker have been saying 2/21/11 which would be tomorrow. So I am guessing that means the Undertaker will be switching over to Raw.
NXT for the week of Feb 17th 2011
I missed the show last week because of a scheduling issue. But I see that Byron Saxton was eliminated.
This leaves, Johnny Curtis, Brodus Clay and Derrick Bateman.
We opened with more crap from Derrick Bateman. Seriously, I do not understand why this guy is the resident comedy routine?
This week's first challenge was the Smash and Grab. The three Rookies had to hit a pinata and scoop up the cash then run it up the ramp to their Pro. Blindfolded.
- Johnny Curtis = 0
- Brodus Clay = $4800
- Derrick Bateman = was DQed for removing the blindfold.
And the part of the big evil this week was played by Josh Mattews. As he proceded to tell Todd Grisham that he was not funny.
Match #1- Brodus Clay vs R-Truth with Clay getting the win
Challenge #2 this week was something straight off of the old hit Canadian show "You can't do that on Television" it was called Save Yourself Triva. Each Rookie had to answer as many questions as he could right, in order to keep himself from getting slimed. Which, would have worked better if Matt Striker had learned to speed up his questions, as they barely got through one category. Which, by the by, whoever was running the categories screwed up by putting the wrong question in the wrong grouping.
- Johnny Curtis= 0
- Brodus Clay= 2
- Derrick Bateman= 1
Match #2- Bateman vs Daniel Bryan. Bryan got the win on this.
The Pros were playing their own round of open mic night during this match, which was more interesting then the match for the first few minutes. Actually, whenever the Prods play open mic night it's more interesting.
Next week is another Elimination. And there are only two episodes left of the season.
Friday, February 4, 2011
NXT for the week of Feb 3rd 2011
First off, I have to say we had a bit of a weather issue here so there were tech issues for me.
Brodus Clay came out with Ricardo Rodriguez to the ring as his stand in Pro this week. I guess Albert Del Rio was busy taping this week's Smackdown or something.
Right off, the first Challenge was arm wrestling worth 3 points
Match #1 was Chris Masters vs Byron Saxton. Masters won with his trademark MastersLock
I swear that Josh Mathews does not look at his production notes ever. He spent the entire match asking if this was an Elimination week or not. And Todd Grisham was not paying much more attention, as he called out "there's a pin" when it was a Standing MastersLock.
Match #2 was Brodus Clay vs DiBiase. Brodus Clay got the win on this one.
Both Mathews and Grisham were doing a good amount of comedy and at one point even admitted that it was "an attempt at bad comedy"
While, the whole match I think it was Dolph Ziggler doing random commentary from the ramp. If you're going to give him a live mic, then just add him to the seating up with Josh Mathews and Todd Grisham.
The 2nd Challenge of the night was the Talk the Talk and worth 2 points
Match #3 was a tag match between Daniel Bryan/Derrick Bateman vs R-Truth/Johnny Curtis. Daniel Bryan managed to get the win over Curtis
Which is something that the announce team hinted at on this episode, that even though the U.S. gets the show online on the website, outside of the U.S. the rest of the world still gets it on our selected sports networks, so yes there are ratings.
Brodus Clay came out with Ricardo Rodriguez to the ring as his stand in Pro this week. I guess Albert Del Rio was busy taping this week's Smackdown or something.
Right off, the first Challenge was arm wrestling worth 3 points
- Johnny Curtis went up against Bryon Saxton - Curtis won this round
- Derrick Bateman went up against Brodus Clay - Clay won this round
- Brodus Clay then went up against Johnny Curtis for round two - Brodus Clay headbutted Johnny Curtis getting himself disqualified.
Match #1 was Chris Masters vs Byron Saxton. Masters won with his trademark MastersLock
I swear that Josh Mathews does not look at his production notes ever. He spent the entire match asking if this was an Elimination week or not. And Todd Grisham was not paying much more attention, as he called out "there's a pin" when it was a Standing MastersLock.
Match #2 was Brodus Clay vs DiBiase. Brodus Clay got the win on this one.
Both Mathews and Grisham were doing a good amount of comedy and at one point even admitted that it was "an attempt at bad comedy"
While, the whole match I think it was Dolph Ziggler doing random commentary from the ramp. If you're going to give him a live mic, then just add him to the seating up with Josh Mathews and Todd Grisham.
The 2nd Challenge of the night was the Talk the Talk and worth 2 points
- Byron Saxton had to talk about R-Truth
- Derrick Bateman had to talk about Dolph Ziggler - He ended up having the rest of the Pros and the crowd repeating him for a few minutes
- Johnny Curtis had to talk about Chris Masters - BUT decided to taunt Brodus Clay instead and then run out of the ring to stand beside the announce team
- Brodus Clay had to talk about Daniel Bryan
Match #3 was a tag match between Daniel Bryan/Derrick Bateman vs R-Truth/Johnny Curtis. Daniel Bryan managed to get the win over Curtis
Next week is Eliminations
Don't forget, Canada now gets NXT on Thursdays at 9pm on the Score. Which is something that the announce team hinted at on this episode, that even though the U.S. gets the show online on the website, outside of the U.S. the rest of the world still gets it on our selected sports networks, so yes there are ratings.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
NXT for the Week of Jan 27th 2011
We open with a bit of a soap opera admitting that yes, Derrick Bateman did cheat last week. See, I told you.
This then moved swiftly into their first challenge of the night. Out Think the Fink. Each Rookie had 30 seconds, other then Bateman who only had 20 seconds, to get more points then the Fink in a trivia game.
Seriously, only giving him 20 seconds isn't much of anything. He shouldn't have been allowed to part take in this round at all. Mind you, no one could get many answers given Matt Striker was so frealing slow on the mic.
Match #1 was DiBiase vs Daniel Bryan. DiBiase won this one. I know I'm amazed too.
Match #2 of the night was a fatal four way elimination match. It also happened to be the second challenge of the night. The winner could switch out his Pro if he wanted to.
Fine choice if I do say so myself. I'm still pissed about Conor O'Brian having been voted out the other week. I'll not forgive anyone for that one.
This then moved swiftly into their first challenge of the night. Out Think the Fink. Each Rookie had 30 seconds, other then Bateman who only had 20 seconds, to get more points then the Fink in a trivia game.
- Johnny Curtis= 1
- Derrick Bateman =1
- Byron Saxton = 1
- Brodus Clay =0
Seriously, only giving him 20 seconds isn't much of anything. He shouldn't have been allowed to part take in this round at all. Mind you, no one could get many answers given Matt Striker was so frealing slow on the mic.
Match #1 was DiBiase vs Daniel Bryan. DiBiase won this one. I know I'm amazed too.
Match #2 of the night was a fatal four way elimination match. It also happened to be the second challenge of the night. The winner could switch out his Pro if he wanted to.
- Brodus Clay pinned Derrick Bateman. Bateman was eliminated
- Johnny Curtis pinned Byron Saxton. Saxton was eliminated
- Brodus Clay pinned Johnny Curtis. Curtis was eliminated
Fine choice if I do say so myself. I'm still pissed about Conor O'Brian having been voted out the other week. I'll not forgive anyone for that one.
Friday, January 21, 2011
NXT for the week of Jan 20th 2011
This was an elimination week.
We open with a weird recap of the last few weeks of both Smackdown and Raw Rookie storylines because of it being and elimination week.
The challenge this week was How Well Do You Know Your Pro?
Which was suppose to be worth 4 points.
- Johnny Curtis = 0
- Byron Saxton = 0
- Derrick Bateman= 3
- Conor' OBrian= 0
- Brodus Clay = 2
Josh Mathews was asking Todd Grisham about the show tonight, when he had his production notes in front of him. Grishamn pointed that out to him. Makes you wonder if they were just killing time or if the script got changed and no one updated Josh's copy?
Match #1 was Saxton vs Chris Masters. Masters won this with his Master's Lock
Match #2 was a tag match between DiBiase/Clay vs Daniel Bryan/Bateman. Clay left his pro to suffer letting Bateman get the win.
Match #3 was Conor OBrian vs Ricardo Rodriguez. Yes, you read that right. Alberto Del Rio's Rookie vs Alberto Del Rio's sidekick. Rodrieguez won. WHAT?????? How did that happen?
Actually, it was a funny two minutes, that served it's purpose. It gave all 3 men some extra air time, was an extra match for the show and helped to introduce Rodriguez to the ring.
Then Elimination was up. Derrick Bateman had immunity this time around.
I seriously don't understand that one. He's got the talent and the mic skills. From the way they've been using him on Smackdown and with the whole feud against Rodriguez, I thought for sure he was going to be in the top two. I'm not happy at all. Bring him back damn it!!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Is it time for the trades?
Wade Barrett has come over to Smackdown from Raw in the last week, bringing with him Slater and Gabriele.
Is this a wise move?
Well, if you've been reading this blog for a bit, then you know I am a massive fan of Wade Barrett. Bringing him over to the Friday night show is a very very very very good thing.
Bringing, Slater and Gabriele with him... not so much. I was very hyper on the idea of the match between Barrett and Big Show this past week, as I was hoping we would finally get a chance to see what he was capable of doing in singles matches. (You must remember, the first season of NXT was not available in most of Canada. and cause of Hulu being the main provider of WWE videos online, Canada misses lots of footage) then to my dismay, the rest of the new team of Slater/Gabriele/Jackson came out to ruin the match.
Wade Barrett should be given a chance to rise on his own. I thought this was the chance, as they even gave him his own theme song that was not Nexus centered.
Best this blogger can figure is that while he's Heel, he'll be in a group. When he finally turns Face, he'll be on his own.
I have to admit, I've never really paid much attention to the time of year that the trades happen in WWE. But, I'm guessing this is the time for this season's switch ups.
Who would I like to see Wade Barrett feud against now that he's over on Smackdown.... that's easy, Alberto Del Rio. That my Spudguns, would be a hell of a few months.
Friday, January 14, 2011
NXT for the week of Jan 13th 2011
We opened with another of the Rookie challenges. The Slingshot challenge. The Pros stood in the ring and had to use an 8 foot slingshot to shoot balled up tee shirts to their Rookies, who would catch them.
- Johnny Curtis = 0
- Bryon Saxton = 1
- Derrick Bateman= 2
- Brodus Clay = 0
- Conor O'Brian = 1
Match #1 was Bryon Saxton vs Conor O'Brian. O'Brian got the win.
Wow, Dolph Ziggler came to the ring wearing... jeans and a sweater. Damn, he's hot in clothes. I know odd thing to say, but when you see these wrestlers all the time in their gear, seeing them in actual clothes is a ... well the same effect that you would have from seeing an average guy in clothes all the time then naked...
Second challenge was the Superstar Password. Each Rookie had to get their Pro to say the name of another Superstar without using key words.... dude the challenges on today's show were more lame then usual.
- Johnny Curtis got 2 points
- Byron Saxton got 2 points
- Derrick Bateman got 3 points
- Brodus Clay got 1 point
- Conor O'Brian got 1 point
Bateman won this round as well.
Match #2- Johnny Curtis vs DiBiase. Curtis took the win.
Next week is the second round of eliminations. I have to say too, that I am thinking Conor O'Brian must be doing better then most, as I'm loving the storyline that's happening with him.
My prediction is that ...Brodus Clay will be the next to go. Let's see if I'm right.
Friday, January 7, 2011
2010- How I felt TNA vs WWE stacked up
I used screen capture for this post
Spudguns! You all know that I am Team TNA. And more specifically Team MotorCityMachine Guns! Even before they were officially a tag team I was 100% behind both Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. I'm a tag team addict to say the lest.
So, you would think that I would love every second no matter how bad it was of TNA's shows. Well, not so fast there. You also know from my silly posts over the years (those of you who read my main blog) that I refer to my addiction to wrestling like a relationship. 2010 had me not feeling the love from my team and nearly asking for a divorce.
I actually found myself enjoying WWE more in 2010. Mostly because of Season 2 of NXT, Raw having Sheamus, and Smackdown having both Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. I also thought the announce team of Josh Mathews and Todd Grisham and Matt Striker to be more comforting then having to listen to the ones over on TNA's Impact. Not to mention the badly done interview styles of Jason Hervey .... I kept waiting for someone to force feed him a stepped on chocolate bar like in Monster Squad now that would have been funny!
The year of 2010 started off with the return of the Monday Night Wars. Jan 4th and to say the lest, it sucked goat balls. It was down hill for TNA for months.
TNA's scores:
* Seriously, the only hot spot was indeed the Best of 5 that MotorCityMachine Guns! and Beer Money Inc had during the summer for the belts.
*I did like the storyline Abyss was given of being off his handle.
*Putting the TV title on Douglas Williams was brilliant as well.
*Letting Jay Lethal be Jay Lethal and giving him back the X belt.
WWE's scores:
*NXT Season 2 was fabulous. It brought up some interesting talent.
*Putting CM Punk on the announce team for Raw was also a score as he brought both a grounding to the booth and some long over due comedic verse.
*Nexus in general was brilliant, giving a chance to make some of the Heels have a reason to turn Face for a few months.
*Alex Riley, or as I have been calling him, The Bore-Spore, has shown that he's got what it takes to become a major talent.
*Alberto Del Rio came out of almost nowhere and just dominated the scene. I haven't seen a Heel with that kind of in ring skill in years. The fact they made him a Pro for Season 4 of NXT shows he's got the goods, and I'm betting his Rookie will be on Smackdown soon.
*KnuckleHead the movie. Oh my god. I can not remember the last time there was a movie released with a WWE wrestler in it that was good. This might actually be a first for them in that regard.
* The PG era. Most likely the most brilliant move they've done in over 20 years. It forced them to cut back on the crap and actually increase the wrestling and therefore push the guys who actually have the skills and talent to wrestle.
*Moving Edge to Smackdown, strong bold flavour there.
*Putting a belt on Dolph Ziggler. He's one of the most solid wrestlers in the business at the moment. Brilliant, simply brilliant move.
*Bringing in Daniel Bryan. You just can not hate this guy, he's too good. It's also nice to hear the WWE giving on air credit to guys who have been in the business for years in other companies.
*Sheamus. The first time I saw Sheamus over a year ago on Raw I was hit by lighting. I remembered some of his indie stuff that I had seen online, and having seen him on in a documentary. All I have to say is what took WWE so damned long to get him? He's a Heel you love to hate and has the talent, the mic skills, the look the voice... sorry bit of a drool fest here for him.
WWE's Failures:
*Kaval is one of the most talented wrestlers around, but yet they fail to use him for anything other then jobber of the week. He should have been given a bigger push.
*Micheal Cole and his damned computer. Stop it. Just dump the computer stuff and shut Cole up.
*Edge and Kane's comedy soap opera. That was just alot of wasted time.
*The Tag Team Division. It is a mess. They're going to need to do a hell of alot more clean up still with this.
*Cody Rhodes and his dashing crap. Just drop the gimmick and wrestle
TNA's Failures:
*Reaction. It's like it just did not have it's identity in place until the last four episodes.
*Changing the TNA belt to fit Jeff Hardy's personality. Frealing stupid frealing move. Just bad.
*Bringing in Jeff Hardy. I understand you wanted to pull fans from the other company but I don't like him. Nor do I feel you have been using him properly. If you were going to build things on his name, then you should have done it differently, and made him more independent from any factions.
*Robbie E and Cookie. Just bad. You should have left them as Orlando's gay-bi-fruit flies. They are just annoying now.
*The whole thing between Flair and Lethal. It was just pointless. Jay Lethal needed a push I understand that, but dropping him into that gimmick right after letting him be him again after what; nearly four years of being Macho Man, it was too much sugar coated crap ontop of sugar coated crap.
*London Brawling. Miss Matched at best. That's a fashion don't ontop of a bad mistake.
*A.J. Styles as the mini Flair. It was not even laughable it was that bad an idea. And don't even get me started on the Flaired version of Styles' robe.
*Not having JB doing interviews backstage this year. When fans think of the VOICE of TNA they think JB
*Hulk Hogan. It was just... I'm not even going to waste my breath complaining other then to say ... frealing stupid putting that old goat on air.
*Taking Shark Boy off air. Fans love him, bring him back to Impact!
*Mr. Shelley, Mr. Sabin... getting rid of the red pants.
That's how I felt about our love affair this past year. Every relationship has it's rough patches, so here's hoping the romance gets better in 2011. Kiss Kiss Noise.
Love Ardeth Blood
Spudguns! You all know that I am Team TNA. And more specifically Team MotorCityMachine Guns! Even before they were officially a tag team I was 100% behind both Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. I'm a tag team addict to say the lest.
So, you would think that I would love every second no matter how bad it was of TNA's shows. Well, not so fast there. You also know from my silly posts over the years (those of you who read my main blog) that I refer to my addiction to wrestling like a relationship. 2010 had me not feeling the love from my team and nearly asking for a divorce.
I actually found myself enjoying WWE more in 2010. Mostly because of Season 2 of NXT, Raw having Sheamus, and Smackdown having both Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. I also thought the announce team of Josh Mathews and Todd Grisham and Matt Striker to be more comforting then having to listen to the ones over on TNA's Impact. Not to mention the badly done interview styles of Jason Hervey .... I kept waiting for someone to force feed him a stepped on chocolate bar like in Monster Squad now that would have been funny!
The year of 2010 started off with the return of the Monday Night Wars. Jan 4th and to say the lest, it sucked goat balls. It was down hill for TNA for months.
TNA's scores:
* Seriously, the only hot spot was indeed the Best of 5 that MotorCityMachine Guns! and Beer Money Inc had during the summer for the belts.
*I did like the storyline Abyss was given of being off his handle.
*Putting the TV title on Douglas Williams was brilliant as well.
*Letting Jay Lethal be Jay Lethal and giving him back the X belt.
WWE's scores:
*NXT Season 2 was fabulous. It brought up some interesting talent.
*Putting CM Punk on the announce team for Raw was also a score as he brought both a grounding to the booth and some long over due comedic verse.
*Nexus in general was brilliant, giving a chance to make some of the Heels have a reason to turn Face for a few months.
*Alex Riley, or as I have been calling him, The Bore-Spore, has shown that he's got what it takes to become a major talent.
*Alberto Del Rio came out of almost nowhere and just dominated the scene. I haven't seen a Heel with that kind of in ring skill in years. The fact they made him a Pro for Season 4 of NXT shows he's got the goods, and I'm betting his Rookie will be on Smackdown soon.
*KnuckleHead the movie. Oh my god. I can not remember the last time there was a movie released with a WWE wrestler in it that was good. This might actually be a first for them in that regard.
* The PG era. Most likely the most brilliant move they've done in over 20 years. It forced them to cut back on the crap and actually increase the wrestling and therefore push the guys who actually have the skills and talent to wrestle.
*Moving Edge to Smackdown, strong bold flavour there.
*Putting a belt on Dolph Ziggler. He's one of the most solid wrestlers in the business at the moment. Brilliant, simply brilliant move.
*Bringing in Daniel Bryan. You just can not hate this guy, he's too good. It's also nice to hear the WWE giving on air credit to guys who have been in the business for years in other companies.
*Sheamus. The first time I saw Sheamus over a year ago on Raw I was hit by lighting. I remembered some of his indie stuff that I had seen online, and having seen him on in a documentary. All I have to say is what took WWE so damned long to get him? He's a Heel you love to hate and has the talent, the mic skills, the look the voice... sorry bit of a drool fest here for him.
WWE's Failures:
*Kaval is one of the most talented wrestlers around, but yet they fail to use him for anything other then jobber of the week. He should have been given a bigger push.
*Micheal Cole and his damned computer. Stop it. Just dump the computer stuff and shut Cole up.
*Edge and Kane's comedy soap opera. That was just alot of wasted time.
*The Tag Team Division. It is a mess. They're going to need to do a hell of alot more clean up still with this.
*Cody Rhodes and his dashing crap. Just drop the gimmick and wrestle
TNA's Failures:
*Reaction. It's like it just did not have it's identity in place until the last four episodes.
*Changing the TNA belt to fit Jeff Hardy's personality. Frealing stupid frealing move. Just bad.
*Bringing in Jeff Hardy. I understand you wanted to pull fans from the other company but I don't like him. Nor do I feel you have been using him properly. If you were going to build things on his name, then you should have done it differently, and made him more independent from any factions.
*Robbie E and Cookie. Just bad. You should have left them as Orlando's gay-bi-fruit flies. They are just annoying now.
*The whole thing between Flair and Lethal. It was just pointless. Jay Lethal needed a push I understand that, but dropping him into that gimmick right after letting him be him again after what; nearly four years of being Macho Man, it was too much sugar coated crap ontop of sugar coated crap.
*London Brawling. Miss Matched at best. That's a fashion don't ontop of a bad mistake.
*A.J. Styles as the mini Flair. It was not even laughable it was that bad an idea. And don't even get me started on the Flaired version of Styles' robe.
*Not having JB doing interviews backstage this year. When fans think of the VOICE of TNA they think JB
*Hulk Hogan. It was just... I'm not even going to waste my breath complaining other then to say ... frealing stupid putting that old goat on air.
*Taking Shark Boy off air. Fans love him, bring him back to Impact!
*Mr. Shelley, Mr. Sabin... getting rid of the red pants.
That's how I felt about our love affair this past year. Every relationship has it's rough patches, so here's hoping the romance gets better in 2011. Kiss Kiss Noise.
Love Ardeth Blood
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