Pre-Show is suppose to have Miz vs Cody Rhodes... I would actually like to say Rhodes for the win, but given how badly they seem to handle pre-shows for ppvs, I say it will go to Miz with the use of the figure fore...too predictable. What I would love to see, is Wade Barrett or Damien Sandow run in, and for the match itself to last longer then 4 minutes.
Jericho vs Fandango... seriously, don't care. But, what I would love to see is a submissions match. Maybe with Cesaro as the special guest ref? That would be cool.
Orton vs Big Show... it's an Extreme rules match. I have to put my money on Orton, if no one runs in. Maybe we could bring Cesaro in here for a run in? Dude, I'm just really thinking we need Cesaro somewhere in this ppv.
Sheamus vs Mark Henry in a strap match. Everyone knows I'm a big fan of Sheamus, but I think I have to give this match to Henry.
Alberto Del Rio vs Swagger. Seriously, don't think either will be given a chance to cry I Quit, because I hate to say it, but I think someone like Big E will run in and ruin it all. Which will blow monkey balls. But, if no one disrupts the match, then I have to hand it to Del Rio.
Cena vs Ryback... don't care. It's a Last Man Standing match, and going to say I hope that The Shield run in just cause they are my favourite vengeance demons. OR CM Punk will make his big return and run in. I could live with that.
Triple H vs Brock... don't care. But in this case, I can see Triple H getting the win with tons of blood shed.
The Shield matches - Dean Ambrose vs Kofi Kingston. That's a no brainer, Ambrose is going to come from that with the United States championship. Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns vs Team Hell No
for the Tag Team belts in a Tornado match. Rollins and Reigns will come from that with the Tag Team belts. (I actually mentioned this like a month dude here)

And if you're asking yourself why I put my favourites on the bottom of the list, then you need to remind yourself how I think. When the MotorCityMachine Guns! used to be a team in TNA, they got the "main event" spot on the blog. (yes I know they did not spell it as one long word but bite me, I do write it that way.)
I'll be back tomorrow after the ppv. Till then,
Love Ardeth Blood- kiss kiss noise
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