So, I've done two posts already about what I hoped would happen at Wrestlemaina this year, and now, here's the after show thoughts.
Well, the pre-show blew dog backwards. One full hour and it was nothing but a recap with a very sad 4 minute match between Wade Barrett and The Miz. This should have been a star attraction match, should have been on the main show and longer.
Miz made Barrett tap to win the title. That was a massive misplay of what should have been a big match. With a full hour, or even a half hour time limit they could have done so much more with the whole thing, like 2 out of 3 falls or something. But, no they totally mishandled it.
The Shield vs Show/Orton/Sheamus. The Shield won! I was enjoying that match a lot. Still, I thought it was a bit of a short match, even though it ran about 20 minutes. Ambrose getting the pin over Orton was brilliant. I was hanging out on GetGlue throughout the night, chatting with other fans, and people were taking bets on who would make a heel turn, I really thought Sheamus was going to.
(When Big Show ripped the clothes off of The Shield, straight women and gay men everywhere were cheering.)
Ryback vs Mark Henry. Well, Henry won, but Ryback had to have the last word. One of the fans I was talking to, made the comment that Ryback's outfit made him look like an overgrown Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle...damn they said it before I could.
Team Hell No vs Dolph Ziggler/Big E. Okay, I was wrong on this, Hell No won, I didn't think they would. And no one bothered to get Big E any pants or even a towel.
Fandango vs Jericho...well, this was a pointless match. We pretty much knew that Fandango was going to get this one, but it just wasn't a strong match at all.
Alberto Del Rio vs Swagger. Okay, so this was a match that I'm still wondering why creative went with the whole storyline? I'm glad Del Rio won.
CM Punk vs Undertaker... BITE ME! I was not happy with the outcome of this match. I really thought that Punk was going to win this, I really wanted Punk to win this. So the Undertaker won and this would have been a really good point for the Shield to have run out, but no they didn't. I was literally throwing cheesies at the tv screen. (mmmm cheesies, salty cheesy junk food-y goodness)
Brock vs Triple H. Triple H coming out of the back, he had some sort of white stuff on him, and I'm just wondering, what was that? Baby powder? Snow? Cocaine? What the hell was that stuff? Triple H won this, like we didn't see that coming a mile away.
Cena vs Rock. I've stated I really don't care for either. It was a full on split with the fans I was talking to on GetGlue, and even here in my family. (mom was cheering for Cena) Cena got the win and the title here. Which I'm sure is setting up for Ziggler to cash in his MIB case.
They seemed to have left out the Tensi/Clay vs Rhodes Scholars match... one fan on GetGlue brought that up about five times. I didn't notice till they mentioned it.
Over all, I would say this really did not need to be a 4 hour show. It could have been handled better and in about 3 hours. There have actually been better episodes of Smackdown then what Wrestlemaina was tonight.
Till Later- Love Ardeth Blood