Saturday, August 21, 2010
My Views on WWE NXT for the week of Aug 19th
There were two eliminations this week. One right off at the start and one at the end.
Percy Watson was eliminated right off the top.
They had the rookies do a promo where Kaval decided to make a dig at the other company TNA.
I'm sure that got a bit of backlash for him from fans.
The second elimination at the end of the show was Husky Harris. I'm not happy. Not happy at all. I really thought he'd make it to the end. Surprisingly enough, though the freak out of the week was not him as it's been the trend of the eliminated rookie to do, but his pro Cody Rhodes. So I'm thinking, we'll soon see run ins and tagging by Rhodes/Harris soon. Husky Harris should have a contract anyway we all know that.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
TNA Reaction for Aug 12th 2010
originally posted on my blog on Aug 19th 2010
I used screen capture for this post
Full week behind, and that is because I had to wait for the official Spike website to post it. Does not look like iTunes Canada will be carrying it.
So this is done "documentary" style. Mockumetary actually. Looks as if it's going to be a vehicle to make Dixie Carter a tv star.
We saw Kaz and Styles talking backstage about how they are unhappy.
Devon bleeding on the floor ranting while they showed a too long flashback from the show. Cut To Camera 3 and Dixie is talking to Dreamer who is also bleeding on the floor. So basically, we have all the soap opera crap that used to be on the show. Which is fine, if they want to keep it all on one hour and let Impact be wrestling.
Cut To Camera 5- Recapping the KnockOuts. They made it seem from Angelina Love's interview that the curtain was dropped, but then enter the rest of the girls and ....moving on
Cut To Camera 6- Dreamer in the backroom talking about how Flair screwed all of the hardcore guys in the last match. Nice way to try to make Fortune the next thing.
Cut To Camera 7- Beer Money Inc talking backstage about the belts and getting them back.
Well, it sucked. But then again, most soap operas do their first episode. Anyone coming into things and turning on the show without having seen anything in the past of TNA, would have little issue catching up with things. But all in all, it blew goat balls.
Reaction gets a dissatisfaction from me.
I used screen capture for this post
Full week behind, and that is because I had to wait for the official Spike website to post it. Does not look like iTunes Canada will be carrying it.
So this is done "documentary" style. Mockumetary actually. Looks as if it's going to be a vehicle to make Dixie Carter a tv star.
Can you tell I thought it sucked goat balls.
We saw Kaz and Styles talking backstage about how they are unhappy.
Devon bleeding on the floor ranting while they showed a too long flashback from the show. Cut To Camera 3 and Dixie is talking to Dreamer who is also bleeding on the floor. So basically, we have all the soap opera crap that used to be on the show. Which is fine, if they want to keep it all on one hour and let Impact be wrestling.
Cut to Camera 4 - MotorCityMachine Guns! we have a small recap of their match for the belts and snips of them backstage. Was Alex Shelley just totally out of breath trying to scream at the camera or had he been crying? Chris Sabin had to take over the interview.
Cut To Camera 5- Recapping the KnockOuts. They made it seem from Angelina Love's interview that the curtain was dropped, but then enter the rest of the girls and ....moving on
Cut To Camera 6- Dreamer in the backroom talking about how Flair screwed all of the hardcore guys in the last match. Nice way to try to make Fortune the next thing.
Cut To Camera 7- Beer Money Inc talking backstage about the belts and getting them back.
Well, it sucked. But then again, most soap operas do their first episode. Anyone coming into things and turning on the show without having seen anything in the past of TNA, would have little issue catching up with things. But all in all, it blew goat balls.
Reaction gets a dissatisfaction from me.
Friday, August 13, 2010
My Thoughts on TNA Impact for Aug 12th 2010
originally posted on my blog on Aug 13th 2010
I used screen capture for this post
iTunes Canada sort of loved me this week. As it was available for download this afternoon. This was the special called the "Whole F*N Show" that would have been the ppv line up this past week had they not had the hardcore stuff. A brand new show was debuted this week at 11pm EST following Impact, but it looks as if it's not available on iTunes Canada. If it does become available or if the Spike official website decides to post it, I'll start doing reviews on it.
We opened straight up with a match between A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle. This was another one of Angle's contender matches. Working his way to the top of the list. This was also non-title in regards to Styles' TV championship. I think guys, this is a match I'm going to add to my list of favourite TNA matches, and do a full post on just it at a later date when I have more time. But for now I'll tell you that Kurt Angle won. And remember, what's on the line in this series for the contenders is their spot in the rankings, and for Angle it's his job. If he looses even one match in this Top Ten series he retires. Check out this sweet tattoo Styles just got done. I love a man with ink.
Speaking of Ink, Jeff Hardy put out an open challenge and Shannon Moore took him up on it. Hardy ended up getting the win but Moore gave him a hell of a fight. It's no secret that I am not a fan of either of these guys but they did put on a hell of a match. I'm actually impressed.
Mr. Anderson vs Matt Morgan the evil druid vs the Pope. Morgan stole this one.
RVD vs Abyss in a hardcore match. RVD won then all the hardcore icons came down and half Flair's crew came down for a 5 minute beat down.
Now, to what we've all been waiting for.... And the MotorCityMachine Guns! vs Beer Money Inc in their final round of the best of 5. Both teams are tied as we go into this match 2-2.
You know how wrestlers are always saying stuff before the match trying to look tough, ever wonder what it is they are really talking about? I like to think they are exchanging recipes or asking how their moms are doing or something mundane like that. Yeah, I'm going to imagine that Alex Shelley and James Storm were talking about how much they loved my last blog post. James Storm always looks angry, even when he's happy he looks like he could rip your arms off and chew on them a bit.
Chris Sabin and James Storms started it off with a collar tie up, Storm using a thumb to the eyes on Sabin then a series of punches. Storm then with an arm wringer/armbar on Sabin, keeping him down on the mat for a moment. Storm then with a side headlock on Sabin before both men started to bounce off the ropes. Storm with a shoulder block and Sabin then managed to leap frog over him. Sabin swept the legs out from under Storm for a moment, going for a pin but Storm kicked out. Storm then pulled Sabin to the mat and went for a pin but Sabin kicked out. Both men to their feet and went for the same move, each catching the other by the knee. Bit of a standoff for a few seconds before each dropped and took a step back. Both Roode and Shelley then tagged in.
They went for a collar tie up with Alex Shelley getting backed into the corner. They started exchanging chops until Robert Roode raked the face of Shelley getting the upper hand. Roode then with a go-behind but Shelley got to the ropes hanging on and turning it back to his favour with a shoulder block. Then off the ropes, Roode ducked down to the mat but Shelley countered with a drop elbow. Shelley then with a roundhouse sweep that took the legs out from under Roode letting him set up for a tilt-whirl head scissors take down. Roode responded with a tilt-whirl backbreaker on Shelley going for a pin but Shelley kicked out. Sabin then tagged in.
Sabin then for a pin on Roode but Roode kicked out. Storm then tagged in with a series of hard punches to the back of Sabin's skull getting him down on the mat. Sabin got back to his feet and fought out of it, then turned his attention to Roode on the apron knocking him off. Mistake on Sabin's part as then Roode grabbed him by the ankles slamming him down hard on the mat from outside the ring. Storm then outside of the ring as well, with a kick to the right ear of Sabin knocking him totally out of the ring onto the floor.
I used screen capture for this post
iTunes Canada sort of loved me this week. As it was available for download this afternoon. This was the special called the "Whole F*N Show" that would have been the ppv line up this past week had they not had the hardcore stuff. A brand new show was debuted this week at 11pm EST following Impact, but it looks as if it's not available on iTunes Canada. If it does become available or if the Spike official website decides to post it, I'll start doing reviews on it.

Speaking of Ink, Jeff Hardy put out an open challenge and Shannon Moore took him up on it. Hardy ended up getting the win but Moore gave him a hell of a fight. It's no secret that I am not a fan of either of these guys but they did put on a hell of a match. I'm actually impressed.
Mr. Anderson vs Matt Morgan the evil druid vs the Pope. Morgan stole this one.
RVD vs Abyss in a hardcore match. RVD won then all the hardcore icons came down and half Flair's crew came down for a 5 minute beat down.

Just a bit of a recap for everyone.
- A ladder match that was won by BMI
- A street fight that was won by BMI
- A cage match that was won by MMG
- An Ultimate X match that was won by MMG
- This is a best 2 out of 3 falls. This match ran 20 minutes with no breathing room at all.

He used a springboard then a running bulldog on Roode setting him up for their trademark doubleteam flip and drop kick.

Back in the ring, and BMI then doubleteaming Sabin for a moment before Storm sent Sabin back into the corner then tagged Roode back in.
They doubleteamed him again in the middle of the ring, Roode going for another pin but Shelley in to break it up with a simple thumb to the eyes. Sabin then gets Roode to the corner and went for a float over, and gave Roode a beauty of an enzuigiri.
Shelley then tagged in and used his sudden stop on Roode on the second turnbuckle, then turned his attention to Storm with a hard forearm that rocked him backwards. Shelley then had them both in the middle of the ring for a double running bulldog. He went for a pin on Roode, but Storm broke it up. (We are at the ten minute mark by my clock)
Roode then grabbed Shelley and went for a catapult/flip but Shelley stopped it and stomped on Roode. Sabin then ran in the ring and they got a double team on BMI, with Shelley going once again for a pin but no dice. Sabin then tossed Storm out of the ring to land on the apron, where upon he swept the legs out from under Storm, and Shelley with a springboard double foot stomp on him. Sabin then turned around and was facefirst into a boot from Roode. The Guns! then with their trademark step ladder move (the announcers calling it a Sabin Dropkick) sending Roode outside of the ring. Both Guns! then took to the air with Shelley landing a suicide dive on Roode and Sabin with a crossbody block on Storm. All four men down on the floor in pain.
Storm and Sabin are now trading blows in the corner while Roode is in the middle of the ring. Storm uses the second turnbuckle for a hangman DDT planting Sabin face first into the ring apron.
Shelley in the far corner going for a double foot stomp on Roode, but Roode got out of the way. Roode then had Shelley up on his shoulders and got him in a modified gut buster letting him stumble right into Storm with a back-stabber. Roode then got the pin Shelley.
First round to BMI
Roode then with a series of stomps on Shelley still in the middle of the ring, and a choke out pin attempt but Shelley kicked out. Storm then tagged back in with a hard punch to the guts of Shelley and then I was distracted by the fact that Shelley fell to the mat and was grabbing at Storm and ended up with his hand in Storm's tights. Then got kicked in the skull. Roode then tagged back in and they doubleteamed Shelley with a suplex. Sabin then tagged in.
Duel drop kick by Sabin to both members of BMI before tossing Storm out of the ring. Roode then in the corner and was given a stereo kicks by the Guns! Shelley tagged back in and got a wicked looking crossbody on Roode for a pin on him.
Second round to MMG
Roode pulled Sabin off his feet in the middle of a move, causing him to land on his nose on the apron. Storm went flying over the top rope to land on Sabin, then Shelley suicide dove onto Storm and Roode did a belly flop on everybody. All four men outside the ring on the floor hurt once again.
Back in the ring a moment later, and Sabin got turned inside out by a clothesline from Roode. Shelley then removed his elbow pad and delivered a series of forearms to Roode before BMI doubleteamed him again. They went for another pin but Shelley kicked out. Shelley now in the corner and Roode is just laying in hard rights knocking him to the mat. Storm tags in and they send Alex Shelley to the far corner taking turns charging at him. James Storm was going for a top rope move but Shelley turned it around getting him in a tree of woe then with another double foot stomp on him. Chris Sabin and Robert Roode both tagged in, with Sabin landing about four running forearms on Roode. Sabin then in the corner and gets a hurricanrana sending Roode half way across the ring. He then managed to get a springboard DDT on Roode going for the pin but only got a two count.
Storm tagged back in and they tried another doubleteam on Sabin but he managed to counter it letting Shelley come in for a doubleteam of their own. Sabin went for the cover on Storm but Storm kicked out.
Both Guns! with their stereo mule kicks on Storm but instead of taking him down, he answered with a super kick to Shelley's jaw. Sabin then with a high kick to Storm. Sabin turned around and landed right into a double R spinebuster from Roode. Roode then catapulted Sabin into a DDT from Storm.
Shelley then went for his trademark sliced bread but it was countered and both BMI dropped down to their knees letting Shelley's neck and jaw slam hard on the shoulder of Roode in a modified hangman -jawbreaker move.
Shelley then managed to get a crossbody off the top rope on Storm, letting Sabin go for a pin, but Storm kicked out. Then Alex Shelley was perched on the ropes screaming his head off at Storm before going for a second crossbody on storm. Once again, letting Sabin go for the pin. This time he got it.
Third round to MMG
They won the best of series and are still the TNA tag champs. My views on NXT for the week of Aug 13th 2010
I said the other that Lucky Cannon should be the next to go, and thank god he was.
I found the match between John Morrison and the Miz to be good but long. We've seen them feuding now for what 3years? Don't get me wrong, always a good match but just a little on the tired side.
Kaval performed at his usual top effort.
Husky Harris, looking good through most of it, as usaul. I was a bit disappointed that he did not win the punching bag challenge.
So next week's show will have a double elimination. Here's what I think should happen. I think that Alex Rilley and Percey Watson need to hit the trail.
Let's face it, Kaval will be the ultimate winner of this season of NXT, we're really looking for the runner up so to speak. And I am thinking the top three guys should look like this
2- Husky Harris
3- Micheal McGillicuty
I'm going on talent here people. In ring skills, and promo skills. So far Percey Watson has not impressed me at all, he's come off as a very silly over the top gimmick that is lacking in actual ring performance.
Alex Rilley could be fabulous, but he's become a spounge and is doing nothing but mimicking Miz. Come back in 6 months when you both have a new gimmick.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
My Views on NXT for the week of Aug 5th 2010
Oh my god! What the freal were you thinking???
A kissing contest? And the point of that was what? To show they can act? To make fun of larger size women? To give Lucky Cannon a free pass?
The only thing Lucky Cannon should get is a bald skull. Cut that greasy looking mop already!
Once again Husky Harris went up against Kaval. And once again it was a brilliant match, with Harris coming out the winner. For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, I want Husky Harris to win this thing!!!!
The Miz vs Micheal Mggillicutty (is that really how he spells it?) as the main event was fairly impressive. I see a great feud coming down the line with these two.
My Thoughts on TNA Impact for Aug 5th 2010
originally posted on my blog on Saturday Aug 7th 2010
I used screen capture for this post
iTunes Canada had it this afternoon.
A.J. Styles went up against Rob Terry in a rematch for the Television Title. Rob Terry was just tossing Styles around for 90% of the match, then Styles with a low blow and a paylay turned it around for the win.
Pope went against Orlando Jordan. And yeah, you know I get that Jordan is doing what he's doing to get into the minds of the rest of the wrestlers but it's over much really. Then Eric Young came out and started to play with the money Pope has come from the ceiling. I am really not sure how I feel about Young and Jordan teaming right now. Pope got the win.
Street fight between Ric Flair and Jay Lethal. Flair wrestled in a suit and Lethal ripped them off him exposing not just Flair's underwear (I'm ripping my eyes out as we speak) but ripped them half off too. Flair got the win when Douglas Williams interfered.
Abyss/Raven vs Dreamer/RVD. RVD pinned Raven for the win then all the hardcore icons got into the ring and it was a mess.

This makes the MMG and BMI equal with 2 winds a piece. Next week will be the final round.
There will be a special next week called the "Whole F*N Show" which is what the original ppv for this month was meant to showcase.
iTunes Canada had it this afternoon.
A.J. Styles went up against Rob Terry in a rematch for the Television Title. Rob Terry was just tossing Styles around for 90% of the match, then Styles with a low blow and a paylay turned it around for the win.

Street fight between Ric Flair and Jay Lethal. Flair wrestled in a suit and Lethal ripped them off him exposing not just Flair's underwear (I'm ripping my eyes out as we speak) but ripped them half off too. Flair got the win when Douglas Williams interfered.
Abyss/Raven vs Dreamer/RVD. RVD pinned Raven for the win then all the hardcore icons got into the ring and it was a mess.

And the MotorCityMachine Guns! vs Beer Money Inc in round 4 of their best of 5 series.
They started by cutting a wicked promo between Chris Sabin and Robert Roode. Very nice touch having Sabin not blink as he stared Roode down.
Okay I have to ask, what is with the facial Mr. Shelley in the promo shot?
They started off by both Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin running and trying to get up the ultimate X, but both Robert Roode and James Storm dragged them down. All four men were then running from corner to corner with forearms and hard clotheslines. Both members of BMI were sent out of the ring and then both Guns! with doublecross body blocks on them. They gave us a bit of Ultimate X history with the fact that Sabin has 3 previous solo X wins and the Guns! as a team with 2. Umm... I do not think I've ever seen an X match where Shelley has actually won... Sabin then like the little monkey he is was climbing the ropes while Shelley was laying in punches on Roode. Storm dragged Sabin off the ropes and rocked him with a hard punch to the jaw. With Shelley on the mat, Sabin managed to use him for their trademark step ladder move knocking Roode out of the ring. Shelley then with a drop toehold on Storm letting Sabin use a modified bulldog on him. With some strange noises coming from the Guns! I think someone left a microphone too close to them. Shelley with another drop toehold on Roode as he came back into the ring, getting a double facebar while Sabin tried once again to climb. They broke out grabbing Sabin and double teaming him by sending him hard backwards into the corner. This gave Shelley a chance to start climbing but Roode pulled him down with an inverted atomic drop before monkey flipping him right into Storm for a DDT. Both BMI then argued over who was going to climb the ropes before Roode started. The Guns! then pulled him down getting both Roode and Storm in a tree of woe and set up for Sabin's hesitation drop kick; which was backed up with Shelley standing on Roode's crotch. Shelley then started to climb once again while Sabin was being sideslammed in the middle of the ring. Storm managed to dragged Shelley down and nearly took his tights off him in the process. Shelley then went for his trademark sliced bread on Roode but it failed and he landed back first into the backbreaker by Storm. Storm then slapped Shelley hard in the corner knocking him down, just before Roode came over and picked him up by the hair. Shelley let out a sound before he got up which makes me wonder if he had something dislocated for a second? Sabin was on the floor for most of this. They then got Shelley in the far corner for another round of double team moves before Storm once again began working on the jaw of Shelley. Roode managed to climb over half the ropes to the X before Shelley got him by the foot and dragged him down. Shelley then delivered a mule kick before spiking Roode with a wicked DDT. Shelley then with his double foot stomp over Storm onto Roode. Storm with his eye of the storm on Shelley in the middle of the ring. Sabin then finally back into the ring was climbing and got stopped by Storm. Sabin then got a hurricanrana off from the cables then turned around to get a double R spinebuster from Roode. Storm was then stalked on the apron by Shelley who went for his sliced bread off the apron hurting himself in the process. Mr. Shelley! Roode then went to the steel structure climbing the ropes and walking them like a tightrope, while Sabin climbed them the usual way, letting Sabin get the X for the win.
Roode fell hard looking like he might have busted his wrist and Shelley looks as if he damaged his knee. This makes the MMG and BMI equal with 2 winds a piece. Next week will be the final round.
There will be a special next week called the "Whole F*N Show" which is what the original ppv for this month was meant to showcase.
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