#1- I'd love to see Wade Barrett turn Face. Not too soon, but maybe after 2011 Summer Slam. Maybe pit him against the Bore-Spore Alex Riley. Barrett, as I said in an earlier post, has skills on top of skills. This is the guy to watch and get fully behind in the next few years. If WWE wants to continue to make movies they should consider Wade Barrett as their next big star for that. And I do not mean just action films. Something tells me that he could easily cross over into dramatic or even comedic roles. (The next Vin Diesel maybe or even Clive Owen. No I am not exaggerating here, I think he's got what it takes for leading man material)
#2- CM Punk take over the announce booth with Josh Mathews. Totally get rid of Cole and King. We need the young voices and new attitudes on the mic. Guys who can bring a serious tone to the matches -as in actually calling moves- and a comical note as well.
#3- Bore-Spore Alex Riley turning on Miz for the belt and getting it. Again, not too soon, but in 2011 otherwise it might not make sense. Riley has a ton of talent (I never said he was not skilled, I said he had a bad gimmick and had yet to endear himself to the fans and that was last summer) and is clearly headed for a major push in the next few months. And in case no one's noticed, I've been calling him the Bore-Spore Alex Riley for months, as in dude, you've got my attention enough to earn an internet nic name from me. I rarely do that.
#4- More Sheamus. Simply put.
#5- Albeto Del Rio needs a belt, any belt will do. The dude has the talent to make many of the other guys of lesser skill look good. I have high hopes that he stays Heel for a few more years. If he was paired against Randy Orton for a half year we could see some outstanding work. Could you just maybe change the colour of your uber-short shorts? Black looks good on everyone.
#6- The tag belts are still ugly fix them.
#7- Tyson Kidd. Let's feud him with John Morrison for a few months. The two of them are both such sound wrestlers that we would be treated to all sorts of styled matches.
#8- Cody Rhodes needs to drop the gimmick. Seriously just drop the damned gimmick.
#9- Husky Harris and McGillicutty need to be given a serious push. Tag them together away from Nexus and let them shine. The tag team division at the moment is on life support, and this would give the tag division an over due boost.
#10- Shave the uni-brow off of Santino. I don't care how many comedy routines he does just loose the damned eyebrow. Better yet, loose the clown act and just wrestle.