Friday, July 20, 2012

Random wrestling thoughts July 20th 2012

By now, wrestling fans have heard that the big programming issues in the US which blocked so many from seeing TNA Impact for the last two weeks, has been settled.
And for once I have to say, it did not just affect the fans in America, it affected those of us in Canada too. 
Fans finally have the show back on the air.  And it would seem just in time for the entrance of Chavo Guerrero.

All I have to say is what took TNA so damned long to bring him over?

This I think is something that will really help to boost the ratings right now, specially given it's summer.  I've always believed that Chavo's style and skill set has been better suited to TNA then it was over in WWE.

All TNA needs now to help push the X-Division once again is Joey Ryan on Impact.  Just saying, how could 87%  of the Spudguns be wrong?

-Love your favourite Professionally Outraged Wrestling Fan,  Ardeth Blood.

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