Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Random wrestling thoughts July 11th 2012

It's been one of those crazy days.  Nothing has gone right at all, and for some reason everything has circled back to wrestling in different ways.

You might remember, my lovely Spudguns, that a few posts back I made my comments on the first two episodes of TNA Gut Check.  I'm not really digging that whole idea much at all.

Anyways, if you're following the whole situation, you know that after Joey Ryan was turned down, he showed up on the live show.

Good for him!

Seriously, I know that half the fans think it's an angle and half think it's the real deal.   Personally, I have no clue anymore.  I used to be able to tell when something was scripted and when it wasn't,but with the fact many wrestlers have gotten acting classes and the whole world of "reality tv stars"  line have gotten so blurred.

So real deal or scripted bit you have to check this dude out.  If he's marking out on us fans, then let him mark me with a bullseye because I'm loving what he's got going on over on his youtube.

As a fan who has been loved and hated myself by other fans and even some members of the industry, sometimes you have to just roll with it.

-Love your favourite Professionally Outraged Wrestling Fan,  Ardeth Blood

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