I used screen capture for this post
I've been typing up some thoughts over the last week since the big Destination X ppv that was on July 10th 2011, over on my main blog.
I told you just a few hours before the ppv whom I thought would win the Ultimate X (voted for Amazing Red) and the Four Way Contract match (voted for Austin Aries).
I was right on one hand (Aries won his contract) and wrong on the other.(Alex Shelley won the Ultimate X, for I think the first time )
I told you why I thought the way I thought, because of an opening for a great feud. (I thought they would put Shelley and Aries in a feud because Shelley vs Aries has months of value in it)
I've also made comments on my main blog about why I did not see Shelley getting the X-belt away from Brian Kendrick anytime soon. A) Kendrick winning it for the first time B) Shelley vs Aries would make for great lead in to Bound for Glory C) Bound for Glory is the key here folks. D) Shelley will get the belt leading into December, just in time for Chris Sabin to return demanding a shot at the X-belt
This is what I think will happen, what I would like to see.
I also happen to think that Brian Kendrick deserves to have a decent time length with his first run as champ. He's got the talent, the status and has proven over the last while he can hold a storyline without fans loosing interest.