Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Views on WWE NXT for the week of Dec 29th 2010

We opened with the return of R-Truth and Johnny Curtis his Rookie coming to the ring dancing. Which, we would find to be a foreshadow of things Johnny Curtis would ... try to do later in the show.
Curtis had a match against Dolph Ziggler in a Rookie vs Pro match.  Curtis looked at one point like he had the match wrapped up but he took too long on the top turnbuckle and it cost him giving Ziggler the win. 

Second match was Derrick Bateman vs Conor O'Brian (yes I spelled it wrong the other week) Bateman comes across  sloppy in his moves.  Conor O'Brian won and looked extremely impressive, very smart with the dragging on the arm from outside the ring.  I think the mix of O'Brian with Del Rio is a brilliant move, as Del Rio himself is one of the strongest in ring personalities going in any company right now. 

This week's first challenge was the power punch.  While Matt Striker was explaining the rules, he had to scold Bateman and Curtis for goofing around and he did it without missing a breath. Gotta love Matt Striker. The idea was to not just get the highest score BUT to beat the record -of 896- that was set by Bore-Spore Alex Riley back in season 2, in order to get a bonus point; which no one was able to do.

  • Bateman had 750 score
  • Curtis had 814 score and in the lead
  • Byron Saxton had a 625 score
  • O'Brian had a 531 score
  • Jacob Novak had a 721 score
  • Brodus Clay had a 636 score
This puts Johnny Curtis in the lead with 2 more elimination points.  Matt Striker got the lines of the night with both his Brother Love remark when Novak handed over the white jacket and shutting down Byron Saxton in mid speech for saying "lubrication"

Josh Mathews was playing the angry announcer this week with a side order of disgust.  Hey, isn't that my theme? 

Byron Saxton then went up against DiBiase in another Rookie vs Pro match.  Something happened with the audio crew during this match as the boom mic picked up in volume and the announce team lost sound for a bit. Brodus Clay who is DiBiase's Rookie, made a mess of things casting the match for DiBiase. Saxton got the win by a dq.

The second challenge was a talent show... um... dude...seriously WHY??????? this was just a painful painful ten minutes.  They did not take it seriously and the announce team all three of them, Striker, Mathews and Todd Grisham were shaking their heads in disgust. 

  • Derrick Bateman said he was going to do a poem... um all you did was make me want to rip out my eyes and ears
  • Johnny Curtis said he was going to dance.... um he forgot to use the fairy dust before hand, but he did bring a yellow ribbon.... was he going for the laughs cause if he was he missed it by like five miles- he continued to play with his ribbon in the dark behind the others for the next few minutes. Yes hinting at a few dirty jokes here
  • Byron Saxton threw a preppy sweater over his shoulders and started to read a ... fairy tale.  Oh my god please shut up! Just shut up.  Everyone booed him. Matt Striker had to rip the microphone out of his hand after the buzzer went off.
  • Conor O'Brian tried to tell jokes.  The voice was good, the material not so much.  BUT if it was an impression of Andrew Dice Clay ... still off the mark by a mile. 
  • Jacob Novak... vogued and posed for the crowd.  I am still tasting the vomit. People were throwing clothes at him wanting him to cover it up.
  • Brodus Clay tried to do the impossible by making Micheal Cole look cool.  Dude, little hint, the Goddess herself could not make Cole look cool if she froze him in ice for all eternity.  
The audience picked the winner and it went to the lest vomit worthy talent joker... Johnny Curtis.
Then a brawl started and Clay destroyed everyone.

Voting opened this week and Yes I voted...